The other Two Requirements of Jurisdiction

The other Two Requirements of Jurisdiction Based on your readings, answer and discuss the following questions on Venue and on what you have already learned about Federal Subject Matter jurisdiction.

The other Two Requirements of Jurisdiction
The other Two Requirements of Jurisdiction

Here is a Supreme Court case on venue, and how clauses in commercial contracts can trigger venue transfer issues.

Discussion of The other Two Requirements of Jurisdiction

Discussion: What was the issue in this case and how does it relate to venue? What other venue-related cases can you find? The jurisdiction of the federal courts has been defined by the Constitution, congressional statutes, and decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Article III of the Constitution left for the Congress to determine the distribution of federal jurisdiction within a system of federal courts and between the federal and state courts. Over the past two centuries, Congress has passed numerous statutes redefining the jurisdiction of the federal courts within the limits set by the Constitution. Throughout its history, the Supreme Court in its decisions has established additional rules and doctrines governing federal court jurisdiction.

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