The Renaissance and History of Architecture 1-Prompt: The Renaissance stood for “rebirth”. What was “reborn” during this era in Art and Architecture? Give an example of a major work in the Renaissance? What were major changes in philosophical thinking and the practice of the fine arts? (1 paragraph)
2- Watch the Video: Understanding Art: Baroque—Part 1 on Videos on Demand on the Valencia College Library’s Database and Articles:

Under the List of Databases A-Z
Watch the video and answer the quiz question below.
Read prompt carefully and in the area below write your answer to the prompt. Answers will be graded on clarity and understanding of the material presented in the video. Try to keep answer to a paragraph in length.
Prompt: What does: “Baroque” stand for? How does Baroque architecture and art stand apart from the Renaissance? What are the key features that embody this time period of Fine Art? (1 paragraph)