Theology Clearest and Muddiest Point Papers

Theology Clearest and Muddiest Point Papers As you do your reading materials, simply answer three questions.

Theology Clearest and Muddiest Point Papers
Theology Clearest and Muddiest Point Papers

You can put more than one point for each, but this will help you process the reading material by explaining why you understand something, how you understand something, and things you need to take another look at. 1. What did you find interesting or new from this reading? Was there something that you found particularly interesting or hadn’t heard before? 2. What points were very clear to you? Are there examples that you can relate to? How would you explain this concept to a friend or classmate? 3. What points from the reading need more attention or clarification? (These may also be added to the Study Group discussion forum.) These questions should be about ideas, terms, or arguments within the reading that students found to be unclear, controversial or potentially confusing. You may also incorporate these ideas into an overall reflection. Your reflections may include personal viewpoints and experiences, but also reflect critical thinking and engagement with the material. Look for ways your perspective has changed or new considerations that arose through the reading. The grade is not determined by length, but by your engagement with the material. Length – about 2 pages Double-spaced, Times 12 point font 1-inch margins

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