Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices

Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices Order Instructions: Please write an executive summary base on the interview and essay that I upload. there are six interviews in total so please go through all the doc and write an executive summary

Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices
Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices

Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices Sample Answer

Executive Summary

The globe has been condensed into one a small space through various processes. This means that one can travel extensively from one place to another for social satisfaction or for other life-fulfilling purposes. This has been powered by the global interconnection by the World Wide Web. This apparent global interconnection has led to the desire to transhumanist to different parts of the globe through the air. Research has established that the type of agency is determined by a plethora of factors such as technology savvy, past experiences, product availability, convenience, and comparative strengths. Efficient travel agencies should conform to the desires of the clients such as offering decency and make vivid locale destination places and bookings. Different clients prefer different agency types when traveling (Cheyne & Downer, 2015 p 45-71).  Some go for traditional traveling agencies whilst others choose the traditional traveling agencies. This is brought about by security concerns, complexity issues and whether one needs personal assistance. E-commerce has also been influential in the bookings trends. E-commerce has forced a considerable number of clients to go for the online bookings for traveling. This is because it is easy to use, easily accessible in the sense that an individual can do bookings at the comfort of his house, offers incentives for those who have loyalty, have product value and are always convenient as one can run a market survey about the prices in the travel industry. Currently, many organizations have turned to transact with the support of online platforms. This is as a result of the numerous benefits that technological advancements’ impact has given the business world. Furthermore, online bookings present numerous destination points and one does not need to have a physical traveling agent to get the desired service. The online traveling agent is suitable for students due to its ability to offer an online platform to compare prices. Traditional traveling agents, on the other hand, do not offer the platform to compare on different prices. This means that booking trends go as per the presented rates. It is only the traveling agents who choose for their clients an arrangement that may be biased. Despite its shortcomings, this method is still helpful for those who are not technologically savvy, as the travel agents always assist their clients in making their decisions and present opportunity for any doubts about traveling means. Traveling agents should, however, utilize the two methods of bookings. This is important in order to fulfill the desires of each party in the travel and bookings transactions. Integration of traditional and online bookings in the travel industry proves to be absolutely important as it helps the company grow its returns, enhance customer satisfaction and help business growth. This report, therefore, endeavors to discuss the importance of an integrated approach on bookings. The purpose of this report is to highlight various aspects of bookings and the benefits of having an integrated system of bookings. Additionally, the factors surrounding booking systems are also discussed in a deep way. To make it better, the report focuses on the implications of an integrated system of booking on marketing and how it influences customer decisions on promoting loyalty due to continuous customer satisfaction. The observations of clients regarding booking systems are also highlighted in this report. Additionally, the opinions of various stakeholders are well presented to the consumers of this report. It is worth noting that various inputs from diverse quarters are also presented in this report.

Travel Agent vs Internet Influences on Travel Choices References

  1. Cheyne & Downer, M, (2015) Travel agent vs internet: What influences travel consumer choices? Retrieved Travel agent vs internet: What influences travel consumer choices?From, Last Accessed 4th May 2017

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