Unequal Distribution and Power Imbalance

Unequal Distribution and Power Imbalance How do these two texts represent a culturally determined power imbalance and how does it impact the characters involved?

Unequal Distribution and Power Imbalance
Unequal Distribution and Power Imbalance

For Essay 2, you will choose two of the texts listed below and you will evaluate how social or cultural custom leads to imbalances of power.

All of the texts in question depict cultures that are built on the unequal distribution of power, whether between colonizers and colonized, whites and non-whites, the elderly and the young, the rich and the poor, men and women, or even between one woman and another or one man and another.

Unequal Distribution and Power Imbalance

You will choose ONE type of power imbalance (for example, an imbalance between colonizers and the colonized) that appears in TWO texts.

Then you will interpret the consequences of this type of power imbalance. The central question your essay should answer is this: How do these two texts represent a culturally determined power imbalance and how does it impact the characters involved?

While you are required to pick ONE type of power imbalance in two texts, it is possible that these imbalances impact characters in slightly different ways from one text to the next.

In other words, the power imbalance in question need not operate in exactly the same way in both texts. Unlike your previous essays, in this essay, your thesis will be supported by evidence from two texts.

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