Utopia Life in Mores Fictitious Land You are to write a 2 page paper on Utopia. The paper should have standard margins and 12-point font, double-spaced, with no extra spaces between paragraphs. Remember that this is NOT a book report. Iím not asking for a summary of what you read.

A paper makes connections between the readings, the lectures, and the book. It is also organized, with an opening paragraph describing your thesis and outlining your paperís main points. Each of those main points should be tackled in order. Finally, the conclusion should quickly explain how each of those points supports your thesis.
Utopia Life in Mores Fictitious Land Prompt
Select two or three aspects of life in More’s fictitious land. Why are they considered ideal? More importantly, why are they considered preferable to life in contemporary Europe?
What events and facts of life in Europe was More thinking about when he wrote about such a superior but imaginary place?
– Avoid contractions (couldnít, couldíve, etc.). Just write the full two words. Contractions make your paper look sloppy.
– Avoid first-person (us, you, etc.). Again, it just looks unprofessional.
– Do not use slang except in a quotation. History papers need to have a formal language.
– Try not to use long quotations in your paper. I want to know what YOU think in your own words.
– Cite any specific information and especially quotations with something like (More, 9) at the end of a sentence.
– You must use complete sentences.
– Before submitting your paper, read it out loud. By doing so, you can detect errors in your writing.
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