Victimization Data and Crime Data Tracking

Victimization Data and Crime Data Tracking I need an essay answering two questions split equally into 4 pages apiece.
Track down victimization data and crime data from at least two different sources for at least ten consecutive years (the years must be the same for both

Victimization Data and Crime Data Tracking
Victimization Data and Crime Data Tracking

sources). Create a table that includes these statistics. Describe in detail the two sources of data. Compare and contrast the statistics between these two
different sources of data. Offer suggestions for why the two sources of data are similar/dissimilar.
The other four pages of the essay need to address this question:
Select one violent crime. Present the crime/victimization rates for these data for a span of at least twenty years. Include this information in a table.
Based on all the theories that you have learned about thus far, offer an explanation for why the crime/victimization rate for this crime has fluctuated the
way that it has. In short, based on theory, why did the crime rate have the trend that it did? Be specific and cite empirical research to support your

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