WISEWOMAN Health Promotion Intervention

WISEWOMAN Health Promotion Intervention Each member of the class will use the “WISEWOMAN” intervention for a health promotion intervention paper. A minimum of a 3-page paper, not including references.

WISEWOMAN Health Promotion Intervention
WISEWOMAN Health Promotion Intervention

The following headings must be included in your paper:
Intro, Health Issue, Target Population, Intervention, Conclusion.
A minimum of 5 scientific references are required. All references must be from peer-reviewed scientific sources. The paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides and use a 12-point font. The paper should also be free of all grammatical and spelling errors. Follow APA format style for in-text citations and bibliography (no abstract needed).
Include a Cover page with your name, class title (Health Promotion), Professor’s name, date, and name of intervention.

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