Women in the Second Temple Period

Women in the Second Temple Period The course this paper is for is called “Apocryphal Texts“, dealing with texts not included in the canonical Bible.

Women in the Second Temple Period
Women in the Second Temple Period

I chose the theme “Women in the Second Temple Period” and would like the paper to look at how certain women such as the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene etc. and how they are represented in the Bible, versus how they are represented in other literature. I would like it to specifically look at the Second Temple Period, basically looking at women who would have been present during Jesus’s life (530 bce – 70 ce). Canonical (biblical) texts seem to keep women at a distance, whereas apocryphal literature shows women having a very important relationship with men, specifically Jesus. I would like the Bible to be used as a source, as well as a few apocryphal texts to show a comparison.

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