World History Research Paper Assignment

World History
World History

World History

For each question, your answer MUST state your thesis and be SUPPORTED with detailed information, including dates, specific examples, and material from your reading. Your conclusions should follow logically from the information you have presented. Any quotations, specific information, and ideas drawn from your reading (including the textbook) must be cited and referenced in APA format. Each essay should be 1-2 pages (250-500 words) in length,


1.Were the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires in reality ?gunpowder empires?? Also, discuss the general decline of the Muslim Empires leading to and
including the 1800s. .

2.Why did China fail and Japan succeed when they faced the Western challenge in the 19th century? Be sure to discuss several pertinent points. .

3.How did Napoleon ascend to power in France? What reactions were prompted, throughout Europe, by the French conquest of Europe during Napoleon?s reign?

4.Discuss the origins of the Russian Revolution. How did this dramatic change in Russia?s leadership affect international relations in Europe and the rest of
the world? .

Please use the following source:
Duiker, William J., ; Spielvogel, Jackson J. (2014). The Essential World History, Volume II (7th ed.). Boston, MA. Wadsworth

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