Writing Journal Responses Compare and Contrast

Writing Journal Responses Compare and Contrast Peter Ramus, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, and Giambattista Vico

PURPOSE: Writing journal responses should compare and contrast Peter Ramus, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, and Giambattista Vico to consider how the fundamental questions of

Writing Journal Responses Compare and Contrast
Writing Journal Responses Compare and Contrast

classical rhetoricians were evaluated in the Renaissance era. You should feel comfortable briefly characterizing each of the four and labeling them as inductive/deductive thinkers.

Tasks: Complete the TRT Ramus (674-680) & Bacon (736-747) readings and the Enlightenment rhetoric(791-807)& Vico (862-878)readings.

ï Use your notes and any outside resources you find helpful to respond to the assignment prompts.

ï Responses should include at least one APA reference to the readings.

ï Responses should be written with complete sentences, demonstrated knowledge of course concepts and readings, and submitted online. Should not require more than one or two pages.

Writing Journal Responses Compare and Contrast Prompts

* Choose one ñBacon or Ramus, and relate them to the thinkers of classical rhetoric that weíve discussed? Who do they choose to refute in their writings? What key arguments do they make?

* What are the characteristics of the Enlightenment period? What was the general focus? How did this focus influence rhetoric?

* How does Vicoís argument complicate Descartes’s famous ìI think, therefore I amî? What is Vicoís argument about language and history? How does this relate to rhetoric?

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