Academic Research on Social Entrepreneurship

Academic Research on Social Entrepreneurship Write a comprehensive research on social business. The research shall focus on case of Moldova, comparing with other EU countries. The guidelines, instructions and research structure will be provided.

Academic Research on Social Entrepreneurship

Please apply only if you have proven experience in social business, social corporate responsibility, management, entrepreneurship, etc
Project Type: Ongoing project

Academic Research on Social Entrepreneurship Questions

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
1. What similar projects you performed. Please provide any refferences
2. Can you do this job in 2 months?
3. What quantitative methods will you use? You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
1. What similar projects you performed. Please provide any refferences
2. Can you do this job in 2 months?
3. What quantitative methods will you use?

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