Advocacy Groups for Major International Crises and Conflicts Type a proposal to create advocacy groups that would make significant contributions to resolving or alleviating ONE of the following major international crises and conflicts:
1)Russia’s intervention in Eastern Ukraine
2)Regular use of chemical weapons most probably by Assad’s regime in Syria
3)The internationalized confrontation over political power in Venezuela
4)The EU-britain stalemate over Brexit
Successful proposals will:
Identify a specific aspect of the conflict/crisis you have picked where an advocacy group is more likely to make a difference in a way that states or IGOs cannot. I understand that it is hardly feasible to expect one advocacy group to resolve the entire crisis, so a narrower focus would make the proposal more feasible and fundable.
Describe key organizational features and resources of your proposed advocacy group and 2-3 principal strategies/activities it is going to pursue
Describe what kind of pushback you expect from other actors (such as governments or NGOs) and how you plan to mitigate or overcome it.
Be informed: show your ability to draw on the stories of other NGO.
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