American Association of Nurse Practitioner

American Association of Nurse Practitioner Order Instructions: It is critical for the writer to remember that this is an evidence base paper and the writer must use peer review article of not more than 5 years old to support the comments.

American Association of Nurse Practitioner
American Association of Nurse Practitioner

The writer must offer constructive criticism and must use proper APA.

The writer will have to read each of this post and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the post. The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the two posts must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each post below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

American Association of Nurse Practitioner Sample Answer

The article one explains about quality and excellence in the nursing field. Quality and excellence are essential in the nursing career as they define the more about the evidence-based practices that need to be adopted by each nurse to ensure the development of the healthcare (ANNP, 2015). The article highlights about how ethical principles are reflected in the clinical quality and excellence. Competency and efficiency in the delivery of care that include integrity and totality are highlighted as the main ethical principles reflected in quality and excellence. According to, (Kleinpell, 2012) there are various professional organizations setting standards that influence the quality and excellence during delivery of care. The American Nursing Association and ANNC have been influential in propagating the need for clinical excellence. The article recognizes the need for evidence-based practices some of them including ensuring the patients give positive feedback due to medical satisfaction. Medical improvements will effectively measure the evidence-based practices. The article has efficiently identified the necessities to ensure quality and excellence in the provision of care in the nursing career.

The second article introduction touches on quality and excellence and the need to ensure the standards of care are effectively adhered to during care provision. The quality and excellence will be measured on the ability to follow the procedures and using evidence-based practices. According to(AANP,2015), the principles of autonomy, beneficence, and integrity are vital when it comes reflection of quality and excellence that gives credit to the article’s information that highlights some of the principals. The articles have effectively expounded on the measurement of quality and excellence in the family nurse practitioner area. Similar explanation to the article is provided in the () which emphasizes the patient-nurse relationship as been crucial in the measurement of excellence in the FNP while also ensuring the ethical considerations are adhered to effectively. Professional organizations are explained to be influential and having a massive contribution when it comes to quality and excellence. However, the article has fallen short of the effective explanation of the measurement of the ethical principles focused on the evidence-based practices.

American Association of Nurse Practitioner References

American Association of Nurse Practitioner. (2015). Clinical quality. Retrieved December 18, 2015, from

Kleinpell, R. (2012). Developing nurse practitioner associated metrics for outcomes assessment. Retrieved December 18, 2015, from

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