Artistry Mediation of Professional Competence Essay Artistry is not a destination, a place where mediators can settle comfortably, secure in the knowledge that they have attained the highest level of professional competence.
Rather, artistry is a journey, a process of exploring and testing the range and application of professional knowledge and skills. At times the journey is uncomfortable, such as when mediators experience the obstacles and challenges to excellence, when they bump up Write an essay of not more than 2.500 words. “against the limits of their knowledge or skill, or when they fail. Other times the journey is sublime, such as when they experience the exhilaration of matching their skills and knowledge to the needs of disputants, when their work seems effortless, flowing, and intuitive. Above all, artistry is a mind-set-a commitment to curiosity and exploration, to excellence and learning.”Lang, Michael, and Taylor, Alison. 2000 The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers, p.1.Preface
Assessment will be made on the following criteria.
Grading Criteria
- Relevance to the title of assignment and covering of essential information and theory /theories.
- The assignment should be comprehensible in thoughts, ideas and concepts clearly expressed.
- Arguments/discussion/critical analysis.
- Sources of information/referencing
Grading for each criterion
- 20 marks
- 20marks
- 50marks
- 10 marks