BA and UTX Company Analysis and the Key Competitors Section 1 – Describe the sector (You could indicate key competitors; this could be a table with your companies listed first and any key competitors you did not have in your portfolio highlighted.

You might point out the best and worst companies you found in the sector — even if they are not in your portfolio) and point out recent news (For recent news, I would accept anything happening from 2015 to now as recent enough to consider. I do not want a boring list of news items, but you could highlight major legislation, regulations, lawsuits, or corporate events that stand out.)
BA and UTX Company Analysis and the Key Competitors and the Discussion Guidelines
Section 2 – Compare three companies which include your 2 assigned + any other you choose that was in your portfolio (You could plot their stock prices over time or any other performance measure you want; you could describe how they are similar or how they differ, you could examine their capital structures using the WACC command from Bloomberg and compare or many other functions that Bloomberg has) and how they fared within the sector
Section 3 – Discuss the international company from your sector (You could indicate what might be different between US laws, regulations, investors, etc. and those in the home country of that company. You could look at the risk profile of that country and the US using sources like the World Bank website or some others that tell you more country specific details. You might also use the Economic Indicators section of Bloomberg. Important international news affecting the sector might be noted.)
BA and UTX Company Analysis and the Key Competitors and the Financial Ratios
Section 4 – More detailed company analysis (consider financial ratios or governance indicators)
Section 5 – Sector comparison (choose any other sector you want and discuss how it is similar and/or how it is different from your assigned sector (You could tell how the current economic conditions favors your sector or the other sector more and why; Maybe your sector faces greater hurdles in terms of borrowing, attracting equity investors, regulations, etc. Give examples.)
Conclusion: Give a statement (perhaps a paragraph) indicating whether the outlook overall is positive or negative for your sector, as well as for some of the specific stocks in your portfolio. (For example, which stocks should be bought and why; which should be sold and why)
Be sure to note the high quality report guidelines on the assignment page from the syllabus.
You might consider headings. You can name them whatever is appropriate, but one example might be: For e.g., for healthcare
Cover page
I. Introduction to the Healthcare Sector
II. Key Companies in the Sector
III. An International Healthcare Company
IV. Financial Analysis of Selected Healthcare Companies
V. A Comparison of the Healthcare Sector to _________ Sector
VI. Conclusion
BA and UTX Company Analysis and the Key Competitors List of Sources
List of sources used to complete this report
• See bulleted guidelines from Initial Sector Selection assignment. No specific details are provided for which analyses to use. I would say “use your imagination” – except that is not necessary because you have read a lot of material in finance that guides you on the types of analyses that is of interest to investors and creditors. Refer to your textbooks (especially from FIN 343 and FIN 443), when needed. 1. Write a report about your sector and your portfolio holdings. Include sections that cover the following: Sector – Give information about this sector (in your own words) and the key companies, troubled companies, etc. Discuss any recent news related to or affecting this sector. The two assigned companies & one other company you chose to hold for the entire period – Discuss how these companies have performed, how they compare to one another, how they compare to the average company in the sector, etc. International outlook – Discuss a company from the sector which is based in another (non-US) country). How important a role does geographic location play in the success of companies in this sector? Are there factors that differ substantially for US-based companies by comparison? 2. Analyze and discuss the performance of the two assigned companies & one other company. 3. Analyze and discuss the performance of this sector in comparison to at least one other sector.