How We Can Stop Cyber bullying Research

How We Can Stop Cyber bullying
How We Can Stop Cyber bullying
How We Can Stop Cyber bullying

How We Can Stop Cyber bullying

Order Instructions:

How Can We Stop Bullying / Cyberbullying Now?
Per the text and assigned course readings, bullying in general and bullying in particular are ongoing issues which many students today experience, often with tragic consequences. As an educator, one important job you will have is to develop safeguards against bullying in your classroom.
Imagine that you are asked to give a presentation at a conference on a K-12 public school teacher who is preparing to cover the topic of bullying and bullying in your class. To prepare for the presentation, you first have to do some research on your topic.
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:
1. Define the terms “bullying” and “bullying”, and specify the main difference(s) between these two terms.
2. Design a lesson which addresses both bullying in general and bullying specifically, focusing on the following elements:
a. Learning objectives of the lesson
b. Measurement method(s) used to determine student learning and lesson effectiveness
c. Description of lesson type (i.e. lecture, interactive, peer learning activity, etc.)
d. Materials needed for the lesson
e. Costs and funding for the lesson
3. Use at least four (6) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and many Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Peer-reviewed academic resources refer to articles and scholarly journals that are reviewed by a panel of experts or peers in the field. View this video for more information on obtaining peer-reviewed academic resources through your Blackboard course shell.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Analyze how educational theories and practices impact contemporary issues in education.
• Survey and analyze issues facing the changing demographics of education.
• Evaluate the impact of technological change on contemporary issues in education.
• Use technology and information resources to research contemporary issues in education
• Write clearly and concisely about contemporary issues in education using proper writing mechanics


How We Can Stop Cyber bullying Now

Bullying as defined by psychologists is physical or verbal abuse repeated over a given duration of time and it involves power imbalance (Feinburg, 2013). Bullying occurs when a person purposely and frequently says or does upsetting or cruel things to another. There are three major categories of bullying namely: physical bullying whereby an individual uses his own body or objects to harm another individual for example, kicking, hitting or breaking somebody’s possessions are forms of physical bullying. Verbal bullying on the other hand includes ushering threats, using derogative statements, name-calling or teasing which may affect the other person mentally interfering with their self esteem (Feinburg, 2013). Social bullying entails using relationships or friends to harm someone else; this form of bullying can be presented in form of gossips and spreading rumors which make the targeted person appear foolish or brainless; this kind of bullying is commonly found amongst the girls (McNamee, 2014).

Cyberbullying on the other hand its mainly etched on the social media platform through which a person utilizes communication technologies such as the internet, social media, text messages and emails to defame, harass and repeatedly intimidate others(Feinburg, 2013). Cyberbullying can be presented through various forms such as, disseminating mean and menacing emails or short messages, posting embarrassing photographs of an individual online, like sharing nude photos of a friend via the face book platform. Cyberbullying could also entail publishing embarrassing information concerning others on the website. Other people also impersonate and use names of an individual pretending to be that person and post mean information concerning the person they are impersonating (McNamee, 2014). Some cunning individuals also trick others into posting very personal information online and then they forward it to social groups in order to embarrass them. Cyberbullying is exceedingly distressing because it affects the targeted individual in diverse ways as compared to the traditional bullying. It can follow an individual everywhere on their phones and their computers, from school to mall and even at home. A lot of people could also be involved meaning that the defamatory information leaked could be accessed even globally.

 Lesson Addressing Bullying And Cyber bullying

(a)Learning objectives of the lesson

After the conclusion of this course the student will be able to . . .

  • Define and explain traditional bullying in school setting.
  • Distinguish the difference between traditional bullying and cyber bullying.
  • Explain the three major types of bullying in the traditional bullying context
  • Explore factors that could lead to cyber bullying.
  • Understand the various measures that could be used to prevent traditional bullying and cyber bullying.
  • Understand the various interventions that could be instituted to mitigate the occurrences of bullying in schools and on the cyber space.
  • To discuss and explain the various strategies that can be used to respond to bullying incidences.
  • To provide continuing professional development and family education for adults on bullying and its ramifications.
  • In a position to increase awareness of internet safety strategies among youth and their families to ensure that they can minimize occurrences of bullying incidences.

(b) Measurement Methods

Student measurement methods help the teacher to establish what the students know and what they need to learn. This gap can be closed by instituting bench mark and interim tests which help to track specific skills and knowledge through progress monitoring (Sheal, 2010). For the purposes of this course formative assessments and other integral methods will be used to measure student’s knowledge and progress.

  • Proper planning of the lessons and design of the learning program in relation to the established course objectives.
  • Pre-course identification of the student’s needs in order to establish the knowledge acquired after course completion.
  • Pre-course briefing between the student and the trainer to find out the areas that the student needs further guidance and training.
  • Test before and after the training to find out the knowledge acquired through the course.
  • Thorough assessment of terminal knowledge and skills and the completion of perception to ensure that the students has acquired attitude change through the training.
  • Letting the student complete the end of programme reactionnaire
  • Letting the student complete end of program learning questionnaire to make sure that the stipulated objectives have been met.

(c) Description Of Lesson Type


The first lesson on the definition of bullying and the nature of cyber bullying and their distinctive traits will be delivered through an interactive lecture session. Cyber bullying is frightening; often its victims are prone to suicidal thoughts, its increased power it’s due to the extensive nature of the internet (McNamee, 2014). A lot of emphasis will be exerted on the power of the cyber space which is multifaceted and extensive since the defamatory information can be stored on variety of online media causing the victim to relieve the experience over and over again, this can be extremely traumatizing. Unlike the traditional face to face bullying this kind of can be stored on a variety of online media. The student must understand that treatment of cyber bullying must include the realization of the significant risk it creates in victims.

Interactive Question And Answer Session (Preventing Cyber Bullying)

The participants will be given a chance to offer suggestions on how cyber bullying can be prevented. And then trainer will proceed to highlight some of the cyber bullying prevention strategies.

  • Assessing Bullying In The Learning Institution

In order to combat bullying and also cyber related bullying, the school management should administer surveys amongst the students, staff members and families to find out the nature of bullying experienced in the school and to what extent it has affected the schooling community. This will help the management to formulate the necessary intervention strategies and measure their progress over time (Feinburg, 2013).

  • Creating An Oversight Team

The management should create a committee and charge them with the responsibility of overseeing bullying related matters. The committee should be informed about the right policies, practices and trends about cyber bullying (Feinburg, 2013). This will help in establishing protocols on how to respond to bullying incidences. This committee should also plan school wide events  plan school wide events and build relationship with law enforcers so that they can be active participants in case bully cases are reported.

  • Educating The Community

The schools should continuously provide continuing professional education for the families and the students on bullying and how to prevent it. Moreover, the curriculum should capture issues related to bully prevention and anti-bias education so as to address ethical standards for both online and off line communication(Robinson, 2011). Youths should be enlightened to know that any form of bullying is crime and unacceptable and they should be taught the right strategies for responding to any form of social aggression.

  • Establishing Policies

Learning institutions should implement anti-bullying, non-discrimination and non harassment policies which should be clearly defined stating guidelines and the consequences for offenders. Schools should also establish technology related guidelines which must be accepted and assimilated in the learning institution (Sheal, 2010). This way they will be in position to handle any form of bullying happening in the school compound whether through the traditional methods or through the internet platform.

  • Promoting Online Safety

Online safety can be enhanced through increased awareness of the internet and safety strategies. This project should include the students and the parents/guardians to make sure that they have practical information on how to cyber bullying. Moreover, the appropriate blocking and filtering soft wares should be used to make sure only necessary information can be accessed by the community (Schmalenbach, 2012). Schools should establish safe and private mechanisms for reporting any incidences of bullying. Clear procedures should be instituted to make sure that any bullying incident is investigated properly.

Materials Needed For Lesson

Laptop, projector, notes prepared on the power point platform, a note book, a board and mark pen for illustrating the complex concepts.

Costs and funding for the lessons

Face to face communication is a winning formula for imparting knowledge; in this conference some of the costs associated with the training include the conference hall, Hotel amenities, food and drinks, study materials, note books and the training fee the cohort of the students attending the conference. The funding organization will be expected to pay up to $800 to cater for the costs and funding of the lesson. {Student to append a realistic figure}


Feinburg, T. (2013).Cyberbullying: Intervention and Prevention Strategies. Helping Children at Home and School III (n.d.): 1-4. National Association of School Psychologists

McNamee, D.(2014).Cyberbullying ’causes Suicidal Thoughts in Kids More than Traditional Bullying. Medical News Today. MediLexicon International.

Rae, L. (2012) The Skills of Human Relations Training. Gower.

Robinson, K. R., (2011).Handbook of Training Management. Kogan Page, 1981. (Chapter Schmalenbach, M.(2012)The Death of ROI and the Rise of a New Management Paradigm’, Journal of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning, Vol. 3, No.1, 2012.
Sheal, P. R.,(2010) How to Develop and Present Staff Training Courses, Kogan Page.

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Bank Robbery in a Small Town Research

Bank Robbery in a Small Town
Bank Robbery in a Small Town

Bank Robbery in a Small Town

Bank Robbery in a Small Town

Assume that YOU are on a jury, determining whether the prosecution has proved this case ?beyond a reasonable doubt.? The beyond a reasonable doubt standard
is frequently described as the level of scrutiny of evidence that one would bring in making a decision about ?the most important of one?s affairs? ? such as
making a decision about a serious surgery, buying a home, etc (perhaps choosing whether and where to attend graduate school!). It does NOT mean beyond ALL
doubt; rather, it requires bringing one?s reason to bear on all of the facts and circumstances, and determining whether one is convinced. One helpful
question in addressing this may be determining whether any other conclusion than that suggested by the evidence makes rational sense.
With this in mind, respond to the following questions:
– Considering all of the evidence presented, are you convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the apprehended suspect is, in fact, the bank robber?
– If so, why? If not, why not? In answering this question, please reference the relative strength/weakness of the four primary classes of evidence here: (1)
the circumstances of the pursuit of the robber and/or suspect, the placement of the recovered pieces of evidence (exclusive of their later analysis), the
scent trail followed by the bloodhound, etc ? the circumstantial case comprising just the case facts noted above PRIOR TO any analysis of evidence; (2) the
shoe print evidence; (3) the firearm comparison evidence; and (4) the DNA evidence. Then consider the evidence as a whole. If you believe the case is proved,
please lay out in a narrative fashion what the evidence supports happened upon the robber leaving the bank, and what and how the evidence supports each of
the steps. If you do NOT believe the case is proved, please lay out an alternative theory that you believe reasonable, addressing how the evidence against
the suspect fits that alternative theory and is overcome as against him, and falls short of proof.
There are no ?right? or ?wrong? answers to this assignment ? I am looking for thorough (yet concise) analysis of the circumstances of the crime and pursuit,
and the forensic findings, and how this evidence may (or may not) be useful in proving the case. I will not be counting pages turned in; however, a thorough
answer and write up will certainly be at least two, double-spaced pages (with 12-point type, 1? margins, etc), probably be more like at least three

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Criminology Journal Article Review Assignment

Criminology Journal Article Review
  Criminology Journal Article Review

Criminology Journal Article Review

Your assignment is to read, discuss, and evaluate a professional research article focused on a specific sociological issue( you can choose anything from a
criminology or sociology field as long as it’s a *peer-review article).’I will upload’ specific questions that need to be covered in article of your choosing
and your task is to briefly discuss these sections and evaluate them. You can even answer them on the same page I’ve uploaded . Below each question just
answer them if that’s something you’d like & would be easier. At the bottom of the page I will be uploading I’ve put links of professional journals ,that you can use to help find a article .

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Campus Crime Data Term Paper Available

Campus Crime Data
                                 Campus Crime Data

Campus Crime Data

Order Instructions:

Practical Application Scenario
As a result of recent campus safety concerns at Capella University, you have been engaged by campus security team leaders to gather and analyze data about on-campus crime rates in schools in the state of Minnesota. Crime data from 181 Minnesota campuses has been compiled in the Campus Crime Data file. Write a management report for campus security team leaders analyzing and evaluating campus crime data for Minnesota. Include your findings and recommendations for your clients. In your report, be sure to examine the following:
3. What crimes were most commonly committed on Minnesota campuses between 2009 and 2011? Based on the data, would you say the crime rates decreased or increased from 2009 to 2011?
4. The campus security leaders believe that the total crime rate in public institutions is more than that in private institutions. They have asked you to test that hypothesis. Describe your results.
5. Your clients would also like you to develop a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference in total campus crime rates between public and private institutions in Minnesota. Report your results.
6. What, if any, ethical issues should concern you in conducting your research?
Complete your report in a Word document, pasting in whatever relevant tables and graphics you need to support your findings. Place your tables and graphics within the text and be sure to clearly title them. Your tables and graphics must be legible and suitable for inclusion in a management report.


Campus Crime Data

Different kinds of crimes happen in many Minnesota campuses as per Campus crime data compiled for 181 Minnesota campuses. However, the most highly committed crimes in Minnesota campus between 2009 and 2011 were the burglary, forcible sex and vehicle theft. The number of crimes relating to burglary in 2009 was 368; forcible sex was 79 compared to vehicle theft which was 50 cases. The cases of burglary in 2010 were 291, forcible sex was 66, and vehicle theft was 50 cases. In 2011 burglary was 253; forcible sex was 16 while vehicle theft remained at 50.

From this statistics, it is evident that the level of crimes has reduced to considerable levels. For instance, the crimes relating to burglary committed in Minnesota campus in 2009 were 368 compared to those that were committed in 210 averaging to 269 and those in committed in 2011 that were at 253. The cases of crimes relating to forcible sex and motor vehicle theft as well reduced.

The hypothesis states that the crime rates in public institutions are higher compared to private institutions. This hypothesis requires testing to ascertain whether indeed it is true or false.  Testing the hypothesis using the total number of people involved in the crimes in university indicates that 276284 both men and women involved in crimes in private institutions compared to 202695 in public institutions. Therefore, this null hypothesis is rejected.  One reason that explains these is that private institutions have not put in place strong security systems compared to private institutions (Minnesota State University, 2012).

In terms of confidence intervals regarding crime rates between public and private institutions, 95% is the true value of the parameter confident, hence is in the confident interval. Therefore, when this hypothesis is tested again using the same sample, it is apparent that the level of crimes in public institutions will be fewer compared to those in private institutions.

Ethics lay a key role in the success of the study especially in collection and analysis of descriptive statistical data. In this study, the ethical issues of concerns include informed consent, confidentiality, and privacy (Singer, 2011). It is important to get consent from the parties involved during data collections. Permission will be sort from various university administrations before commencement of the study. Participants should not be coerced to take part in the study and are at liberty to withdraw their participation at will and at any time. It is also important to uphold to privacy. No information must be disclosed to third parties without the consent from the respondents. Therefore, confidentiality must not be compromised and all information must be secured and not manipulated for selfish gains or interest.  Appropriate analysis techniques should be adopted to analyze the information.

In line with crime rates in Minnesota learning institutions, the following are the recommendations: the leading rimes in institutions are forcible sex offense, burglary and motor vehicle thefts. For instance, the crimes relating to burglary in 2009 was 368; forcible sex was 79 compared to vehicle theft which was 50 cases. These three crimes can be addressed by intensifying security through installation of security cameras in all buildings in institutions (Swedberg, 2010). This will help track the perpetrators. It will also help deter such kinds of crimes.

The security apparatus in the learning institutions, should as well work closely with the people to fight burglary and forcible sex offense and motor vehicle theft.  Any person that feels their security is threatened should report to the security department at the university. People should also be their brothers’ keepers. Security should be assured to all those that provide information and their identity should never be disclosed. This will motivate them to participate in the fight against such crimes. Stringent laws should be passed to act as deterrence to involvement of such crimes at the university.


Minnesota State University. (2012). Public safety. Retrieved from:   

Singer, E. (2011).  Public Reactions to Some Ethical Issues of Social Research: Attitudes and       Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 11(1), 501-50

Swedberg, J. (2010). Security Strategies.  Credit Union Management, 33(3), 30-34.

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Criminal Law comparison with Biblical Examples

Criminal Law comparison with Biblical Examples
Criminal Law comparison with Biblical Examples

Criminal Law comparison with Biblical Examples

Order Instructions:

This is a discussion board assignment for an online class in Criminal Procedure.

Assignment Instructions:

Each of the Scriptures below concern a given criminal procedure topic. All Scriptures are from the New International Version, 1984. After reading the scriptures below answer the questions that follow.

Deuteronomy 19:15 “One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”

Deuteronomy 17:6 “On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.”

Cross Examination

Proverbs 18:17 “The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.”

Deuteronomy 19:16–19 “If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse a man of a crime, the two men involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother, then do to him as he intended to do to his brother. You must purge the evil from among you.”

Physical Evidence

Deuteronomy 22:13–18 “If a man takes a wife and, after lying with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” then the girl’s father and mother shall bring proof that she was a virgin to the town elders at the gate. The girl’s father will say to the elders, “I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, ‘I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.’ But here is the proof of my daughter’s virginity.” Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of the town, and the elders shall take the man and punish him.”

Exodus 22:12-13 “But if the animal was stolen from the neighbor, he must make restitution to the owner. If it was torn to pieces by a wild animal, he shall bring in the remains as evidence and he will not be required to pay for the torn animal.”

Answer the following questions for your thread:

•Did these Scriptures change or confirm your views about how criminal procedure should operate according to each topic?
•How does our current system deal with each topic?
•How could our current system change (or not) to deal with each topic in a more biblical manner?
•Provide at least 1 reference and 1 different Scripture (other than those given above) in support of your post.


Criminal Law comparison with Biblical Examples

The Biblical passages provided did confirm my beliefs on how the criminal justice system should operate, specifically with respect to how criminal cases are handled in courtrooms. The rules need to be flexible and relative to the cases at hand. This is because different cases have different circumstances and as a result there likelihood of and manifestation of malice varies from case to case.  There should always be more than one witness in any case. Their testimonies need to be put to the test to check if there is any malice.

The current system is partly fair in the way it deals with some of the criminal issues. With many criminal cases however it is hardly fair because the testimony that matters is that of the members of law enforcement and in many such cases it is hard to test the evidence or accusation to find out if there is any malice. For criminals who cannot afford an attorney, one is often appointed by the state. The officers prosecuting also owe their allegiance to the state. In theory the case will be fair but it is necessary that such an attorney be sourced from an independent body from the state as seen in the case where the girl’s parents come to her defense (Deutronomy 22: 13- 18).

The country’s criminal justice system can however maintain the provision for multiple witnesses being called to the stand. This gives the defendant’s defense team a chance to defend their client and such a scenario makes it possible for the court to establish the credibility of an account being given by the witnesses. This reduces the chance of a malicious individual having undue influence over the fate of the accused. The suspect’s liberty to choose their own attorney where possible means they can have someone who will have their best interests at heart. Biblically it is clear that those in authority need to be fair to the powerless or those under them (Proverbs 29:14; Nelken, 2010).


Deutronomy 22: 13- 18

Proverbs 29: 14

Nelken, D (2010) Comparative Criminal Justice, Making Sense of the Difference. Vol 1, Sage, 2010

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Crime Essay Assignment Available Here



Order Instructions:

A crime resulting in the death or severe injury to the victim can have a profound impact on a spouse, children, co-workers, Christian brothers and sisters, and the community. Some contend that the focus is too often on the troubled past of the defendant and not the devastating impact on the victim in such cases.

Assume you are on a committee that will limit the information that may be presented at trial regarding the defendant’s past and the impact of the victim’s injuries/death.
Propose 2 rules to guide the courts in this matter: 1 dealing with the defendant and 1 dealing with the victim. Provide the scriptural and scholarly basis for each.
Evaluate 1 rule dealing with defendants and 1 rule dealing with victims. You may choose to comment on the defendant/victim rules of a single classmate or choose a defendant rule from 1 classmate and the victim rule from another classmate.

Submit your answers in a thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday. Submit replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday.

Discussion Board Assistance:
What factors should define the limits of why a defendant acted in such a way as to cause the death or injury of another person? Sexual abuse? Physical abuse of a parent? Poverty? Bullying? Traumatic Brain Injury? Drug/alcohol addiction? Can the defendant raise the issue of the victim’s criminal history, immoral lifestyle, or fringe religious beliefs? Can the defendant produce a video with music and poetry describing his/her childhood and efforts to overcome a troubled life? What factors should define the limits on whose views about the impact of the victim’s injury or death may be heard and what types of testimony can be given? Immediate family? Friends of friends? Employers? Neighbors? Patients? Must those speaking on behalf of the victim appear and testify? Can they just send in a letter? Can they produce a video with music and poetry? Can they speak only about the victim or can they also share their views about the defendant?



The crime that will lead to death or injury is severe to the victim and able to cause a greater impact on the spouse. In addition, it also cause the impact on the co-workers, Christian sisters and brother and even to the community at large. Some suggest that the focus is always on the defendant’s past troubles rather than the overwhelming impact on the victim. The vital objective of this study is the assumption of the writer to be on the committee that will be able to limit information. It will be presented on the trial on regards to the past of the defendant as well as the injuries or death caused to the victim. Two rules are being proposed, one that is dealing with the defendant and the other dealing with the victim. For this, scriptural and the scholarly are going to be provided.

The proposed rules to guide the court in the matter are rule 404 that deals with the character evidence of the defendant and rule 412 that deals with the victim.

The rule 404 deals with the character evidence that includes the crime. The character evidence reveals that the evidence of the character of a person or the traits of the character is not allowed. It is being proved that the person acted in conformity with the trait or character (Maryland court digests, 2007, Jun 04). The exception to the rule in the crime case that includes the victim and the defendant is that the defendant can offer evidence of the pertinent trait of the defendant. If the evidence is being allowed the prosecutor offers evidences to rebut it (Buser, 2010, Aug 20). The rule 412 some evidence is not admissible in presiding than involves crime. These includes the evidence that victim engaged in crime and was clearly assaulted.

Work Cited

Buser, L. (2010, Aug 20). Defendant gave accurate crime details; jury told: Man faces a murder charge in ’07 killing. McClatchy – Tribune Business News

Maryland court digests June 4, 2007.

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Theft Case Scenario Essay Paper Available


What offences, if any, have been committed under the act of theft 1968 as a results to the following occurrences in Albert’s Store?
(a) Dave, who works in the fruit department, picks blackberries growing wild in nearby forest. He sells them in the store and gives the proceeds to charity.
(b) Eric, who works in the glass and China department, borrows a valuable set of six plates for a dinner party he is holding at home. In an effort to impress his dinner guests, Eric juggles with two of the plates but drops and smashes them. Eric returns the remaining four plates the next day
(c)Flora, A cashier in contravention of her employer’s strict instructions, takes a £10 note from the till, she fully intends to replace the money from her
pay packet the following day. During her lunch break, she uses the £10 note to bet on a horse, which wins at odds 3 to 1. She puts £10 from the winnings back
into the till before her employer discovers what she has done.
(D) Gilbert, a former employee of the store, was dismissed after striking a fellow worker. A letter informed Gilbert that he was no longer permitted to enter the store for any purpose. At Home, Gilbert prepares a set of stick-on price labels, which are identical to those, used in the department store. He Enters the store intending to swap the true price labels from the goods in the food department with his own labels, thus enabling him to purchase the goods at a much lower price. Gilbert swaps the labels on two tins of salmon and a jar of coffee. He Then changes his mind and leaves the store having replaced the items back on the shelf.

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Gang association and violence Essay Assignment

Gang association and violence
Gang association and violence

Gang association and violence

Order Instructions:

See attached


For each source listed, you will begin with a summary of the information you found in that specific source. The summary section gives your reader an overview of the important information from that source.  Remember that you are focusing on a source’s method and results, not paraphrasing the article’s argument or evidence.

The questions below can help you produce an appropriate, scholarly summary:

  • What is the topic of the source?
  • What actions did the author perform within the study and why?
  • What were the methods of the author?
  • What was the theoretical basis for the study?
  • What were the conclusions of the study?

Remember, a summary should be similar to an abstract of a source and written in past tense (e.g. “The authors found that…” or “The studies showed…”), but it should not be the source’s abstract. Each summary should be written in your own words


Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Unger, J. B., &Sussman, S. (2015). Associations between gun violence exposure, gang associations, and youth aggression: Implications for prevention and intervention programs. Journal of criminology2015.


Forster, Grigsby, Unger and Sussman (2015) conducted a study that investigated the link between gang association, exposure to neighborhood violence and social self control to incidences of aggression at school. The study collected data from minority youths from three Southeast Los Angeles schools. In the literature review, the authors show that aggression is a serious problem in schools. According to Forster et al (2015), over 600,000 teenagers reported assault related injuries annually, in addition, between 20 and 40 percent of school going students had experienced a bullying incident at school. The literature review also revealed that between 700,000 and 1,000,000 teenagers were members of gangs. Past studies have shown that exposure and association to gangs, affiliation with delinquent peers, and family processes are indicators of violence perpetration and victimization. To investigate the link between the variables, the study sampled 77 female and 87 male 7th and 8th graders in three South Los Angeles middle schools. Questionnaires were used to collect data on substance abuse, demographics, social self-control, and family and peer gang association, neighborhood violence and self-reported aggression. The study reported that teenagers with high levels of social self-control were less likely to be involved in past week aggressive episodes. Students with friends who were members of gangs reported 91 per cent higher incidents of aggressive episodes. For girls, aggression was 46 per cent higher if the family was affiliated to gangs. Exposure and fear of gun violence also increased the incidence of aggressive episodes by 26 per cent. According to the study, students were most likely to be involved in aggressive incidents if they were male, had friends associated with gangs, and had low levels of social self-control.


Forster, Grigsby, Unger and Sussman (2015) is useful study as it explores an area of research where there exist little empirical evidence to link the variables. It is worthwhile to note that the research provides an insightful background on the teenage and school violence. The author then seeks to investigate the factors that lead to high rates of aggression among teenagers and school going students. Unfortunately, the research only sampled 164 students which is a small sample to facilitate the generalization of the results of the study to the general population. In addition, the study was conducted in only three schools in the South Los Angeles area where gang violence and gun crime is common (Forster et al, 2015). It is obvious that teenage aggression in other areas may be driven by other factors apart from association with gangs and exposure to gun violence. However, the results than link social self-control to lower levels of self-reported aggression can be generalizable to other student populations. Using self-reported measures is also a major weakness of the study as the students may fail to report honestly on most of the data collected. Observation would have been a better option for collecting the data on past week aggression as opposed to self-reported measures of aggression. Using observation, the researcher would have been able to see and record incidents of aggression rather than hear about them from the participants. The study rightly concludes that school based interventions can be used to disrupt the development of aggressive behavior. School based programs can help indeed help in the development of social self-control which has an inverse relationship with the development of aggressive behavior.


Forster et al (2015) is a very useful study in research on teenage violence, and associated the associated study areas. The study provides valuable statistics on the state of teenage violence indicating that more than 600,000 school age children report aggression related injuries every year. The study helps to illustrate that teenage violence is a serious problem affecting many school going children and it is an area that warrants further research. Most importantly, the research identifies some of the factors that are predictors of teenage violence perpetration or victimization. The study reveals that association with gangs and gang members is a contributing factor to aggressiveness among teenagers. Other impacts of gang association such as the tendency to use substances and other truant behaviors can also be investigated in future studies in the area. The study also reports an inverse relationship between social self-control and incidents of teenage aggression. Further studies also need to be conducted to establish whether self-control can decrease aggression among teenagers who associate with gangs, and have been exposed to gun violence. The study also indicates that self-reported measures of aggression were limitations of the study, and thus another method of data collection like observation can be used for future studies. The study design also provides a research model that can be expanded for future research in the area of teenage truancy and violence. The research sample for future research on the topic can be expanded to more schools from more heterogeneous school districts to ensure the results can be generalized. Therefore, Forster (2015) is an important research article that provides preliminary evidence linking association with gangs, social self control, and family association with gangs with teenage violence perpetuation. Most importantly, the study establishes several directions for future research in the area


Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Unger, J. B., & Sussman, S. (2015). Associations between gun violence exposure, gang associations, and youth aggression: Implications for prevention and intervention programs. Journal of criminology2015.                                                     

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