Chinese History on Classic of Filial Piety

Chinese History on Classic of Filial Piety

Chinese History on Classic of Filial Piety Drawing from the ‘Classic of Filial Piety’; and ‘Ban Zhao’; readings, select one historical figure and judge them according to the applicable text.

Do you think these texts are still applicable today? Why or why not?

The Classic of Filial Piety, also known by its Chinese name as the Xiaojing, is a Confucian classic treatise giving advice on filial piety: that is, how to behave towards a senior such as a father, an elder brother, or ruler.

This document probably dates to the 4th century BC. It is not known who actually wrote the document. It is attributed to a conversation between Confucius and his disciple Zengzi. A 12th-century author named He Yin claimed: “The Classic of Filial Piety was not made by Zengzi himself. When he retired from his conversation (or conversations) with Kung-neon the subject of Filial Piety, he repeated to the disciples of his own school what (the master) had said, and they classified the sayings, and formed the treatise.”

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