Collaborative Technologies or the Internet of Things

Collaborative Technologies or the Internet of Things Conduct research and write a paper on either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things.

Collaborative Technologies or the Internet of Things
Collaborative Technologies or the Internet of Things

In your paper, address the following:
• Briefly define the technologies you chose (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies).
• How and why are organizations using these technologies? Provide real-world examples.
• What are the benefits these technologies provide to the organization? Are there any costs savings the organization might realize by utilizing such technologies? Explain.
• How do these technologies benefit internal or external users?
• What are some challenges or potential problems of using such technologies? Do the benefits outweigh these concerns? Explain.
Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two scholarly references, as appropriate.

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