Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment.

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning
Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning

Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings.

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning

Your assignment will be
graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper
together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum.

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning Essay Paper Description

Write a 3-5 page paper in APA format describing the community health nurse’s role in health planning, implementation and evaluation.
Include at least two scholarly references beyond your text to support your work.
Grading Rubric PDF
Grading Rubric
30-25 points
24–12 points
11-1 points
0 points
Points Earned
Judges the community health nurse’s role in health planning.
Judges the community health nurse’s role in health planning.
Describes the community health nurse’s role in health planning.
Describes some of the community health nurse’s role in health planning.
Does not describe the community health nurse’s role in health planning.
Justifies the community health nurse’s role in implementation.
Justifies the community health nurse’s role in implementation.
Describes the community health nurse’s role in implementation.
Describes some of the community health nurse’s role in implementation.
Does not describe the community health nurse’s role in implementation.
Evaluates the community health nurse’s role in evaluation.
Evaluates the community health nurse’s role in evaluation.
Describes the community health nurse’s role in evaluation.
Describes some of the community health nurse’s role in evaluation.
Does not describe the community health nurse’s role in evaluation.
10–8 points
7-4 points
3—1 points
0 Points Earned
Points Earned

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning References and Paper Formatting

Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, usage, and typing
APA Compliance
Organization is logical, ideas are clear, and transitions are smooth.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage correct and consistent with Standard American
No typographical errors.
No direct quotations.
References are relevant, scholarly and contemporary.
Correct APA format.
Organization good, ideas usually clear and transitions usually smooth.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good and consistent with Standard
American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding.
There are a few minor typographical errors.
Direct quotations are less than 5% of paper.
Minimum two references are relevant, scholarly and contemporary
Minimal APA format errors.
Organization minimally effective; problems with clarity and/or transitions.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage distracting and could interfere with meaning or understanding.

Community Health Nurse Role in Health Planning Essay Requirements

There are multiple typographical errors
Direct quotations are more than 10% of paper.
One reference is relevant, scholarly and contemporary
Poor use of APA format.
Organization does not meet requirements.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and/or usage interfere with understanding and do not
reflect scholarly writing.
There are major typographical errors.
Quotations make up a significant part of the paper
Poor use and/or selection of references, or no references.

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