Corporate Social Responsibility for a Business

Corporate Social Responsibility for a Business The assignment is in two parts:

Corporate Social Responsibility for a Business
Corporate Social Responsibility for a Business

A) Select a firm/organization of your choice and prepare a report outlining the corporate social responsibility activities the firm/organization is
involved in. Evaluate the motivations for these activities drawing upon the company/organizations non-market and market environment.
B) Critically assess the ways in which the firm/organizations CSR contributes to its sustainable competitive advantage and provide policy recommendations to the Board of Directors. (This should be in reference to the firm, industry and systemic level factors) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has many advantages that can apply to any business, regardless of its size or sector.
Benefits of corporate social investment for businesses
The potential benefits of CSR to companies include:
better brand recognition
positive business reputation
increased sales and customer loyalty
operational costs savings
better financial performance
greater ability to attract talent and retain staff
organizational growth
easier access to capital
Organization- Tullow Oil

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