CRM Technology Impact Project Description Sr. The position that I choose and that I have to explain in the assignment is a sales representative for Nike Company, all the paper have to be based in that position,

attached in two files the complete instructions and also the template in which I have to send my assignment.
CRM Technology Impact Project Description Project Description and Instructions
The objective of this individual project is for you to analyze the use of CRM technology in sales and explain the qualitative and quantitative impact of this technology investment on sales productivity, sales effectiveness and competitiveness. The assignment links back to Learning Outcome #5 for the course, found in your Syllabus.
In order to use your time effectively and do well on the assignment, please follow these steps:
1. Carefully read the background and scenario information provided to you in this document so you have a clear understanding of what you will be doing. You will be looking at two scenarios:
Scenario A – a sales process ‘before’ implementation of CRM (manual process) and
Scenario B – a sales process ‘after’ implementation of CRM.
Consider the basic steps of the sales process we have studied in class. ASK QUESTIONS if you don’t understand. Refer back to the supplemental materials under Chapter 10.
2. Carefully read the questions for the assignment so you know what to look for as you do your research.
3. Research. Learn about CRM Technology in general: its basic structure and components, its applications (how it’s commonly used), its users, and more. In Blackboard, you will find you have several resources available to you. Take advantage of them. Some are short videos on YouTube and short introductions to CRM. Refer to the following parts of Blackboard under
CRM Technology Impact Project Description Course Content
Chapter 10 Supplemental Materials (Sales process, sales metrics, and CRM technology)
CRM Technology Resources
4. Research. Analyze Salesforce, the most popular CRM web-based (cloud) application on the market. Please watch the demo on Salesforce and study the corresponding materials in Blackboard, under Course Content and CRM Technology Resources.
5. Research. Log into the software and navigate through it to get a feel for it. You can do this one of two ways.
First, if you are on campus, you are welcome to visit RB 170 (Ryder Building on main campus) when it is not occupied with a class, and log in on any computer (username: and password: salesforce. The ## will be the number of the computer station in the lab).
You can also sign up for a free 30-day trial at:
6. Complete your assignment. Use the Microsoft Word template available under Assignments, Templates and Forms in Blackboard, to answer each question.
Use the data in the background to help you quantify. It’s there for a reason.
Use your common sense and critical thinking. Not all of the answers will be neatly found in one place.
CRM Technology Impact Project Description Assignment Format and Deliverables
You will turn in one (1) Microsoft Word document using the question format provided to you in the Microsoft Word template, located under Assignment Templates, and Forms, in Blackboard. Type your response after each question. Be sure to follow these guidelines for an “A” paper.
Complete the header with your full name and Panther ID.
This is a professional paper. Proofread for proper grammar and spell check before submitting. Format should be neat and clear. We sell even in written form! I am not a mind reader so use complete, clear and descriptive sentences. Use as much space as you need but don’t ramble. Use the footnote feature to cite every source you used (In Word, click on the References tab and insert a footnote). Citation should include: Complete name of source/publication, author, date published, and Internet link (if applicable).
DUE DATE AND SUBMISSION. Check Blackboard for specifics. If you are taking the class online, use the Assignment Dropbox in Blackboard. If you are taking the class face-to-face, your hardcopy paper is due at the beginning of class. Please staple it before coming to class.