Drug strategy of America and Portugal Criteria: 1. Demonstration of a good level of understanding of the historical and political context of each policy chosen.

2. Demonstration of a good level of understanding of how each country considers the harms and risks associated with the use of drugs and alcohol. 3. The ability to critically evaluate each policy in terms of its implementation and effectiveness. 4. Demonstration of an ability to write in a clear and structured manner. 5. Use appropriate academic referencing conventions in the text and in the reference list.
Drug strategy of America and Portugal
What we are looking for in this second assessment is a. That you understand how different countries have developed different approaches to tackling ëthe drug problem based upon their unique historical and political context and how the concepts of ërisk and harmsí are considered. ie. how has this particular approach come about as the response from this country? b. That you can critically evaluate the policies ñ are they effective? Are the numbers of drug users/drug deaths reducing? Are the countries using prisons as a repository for ëdrug offendersí or are they using an approach based upon treatment? So, what would be a good measure for ëeffectivenessí? c. That you are you able to construct an essay at the level expected at level 6. ie. Demonstrating wide reading around the topic and developing a well-constructed critique. – When we say ëPolicyí we are asking you to refer to any of the various strategies or responses created by governments, governing bodies, government departments or NGOs on either a national or international level. Use at least 20/25 references
Critical evaluation of the drug strategies/policies of Portugal and America
Drug strategy of America and Portugal Criteria
- Demonstration of a good level of understanding of the historical and political context of each policy chosen.
- Demonstration of a good level of understanding of how each country considers the harms and risks associated with the use of drugs and alcohol.
- The ability to critically evaluate each policy in terms of its implementation and effectiveness.
- Demonstration of an ability to write in a clear and structured manner.
- Use appropriate academic referencing conventions in the text and in the reference list.
What we are looking for in this second assessment is:
- That you understand how different countries have developed different approaches to tackling ëthe drug problemí based upon their unique historical and political context and how the concepts of ërisk and harmsí are considered. ie. how has this particular approach come about as the response from this country?
- That you can critically evaluate the policies ñ are they effective? Are the numbers of drug users/drug deaths reducing? Are the countries using prisons as a repository for ëdrug offendersí or are they using an approach based upon treatment? So, what would be a good measure for ëeffectivenessí?
- That you are you able to construct an essay at the level expected at level 6. ie. Demonstrating wide reading around the topic and developing a well-constructed critique.
– When we say ëPolicyí we are asking you to refer to any of the various strategies or responses created by governments, governing bodies, government departments or NGOs on either a national or international level.
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