E-Books Written in the Dog Niche

E-Books Written in the Dog Niche Please read the following job description in full. E-Books Written in the Dog Niche
get 3 e-books written in the Dog niche.

 E-Books Written in the Dog Niche
Dog niche

E-book #1 – Dog Training SecretsThe complete guide to raising the perfect dog with love
E-book #2 – Dog Food SecretsThe best advice for a healthier and happier dog
E-book #3 – Dog Care SecretsA simple guide for taking better care of your dog

 E-Books Written in the Dog Niche Research  Paper

Research those topics and to write an awesome e-book that is 15-30 pages long (it can be size 14 font, and spaced out with many titles – it doesn’t have to be that long! .. Also -there is PLR e-books on those subjects that can help you out with the research.) E-Books Written in the Dog Niche
The e-books will be read by women aged 35-60+ who HAVE dogs, so it is very important to build a connection with those women and be liked by them!
If you are a dog owner, that is a massive PLUS!
I want the e-books to be fun, engaging and educational at the same time.
Please read below *IMPORTANT*
1. I know what PLR e-books are, and I am not looking for you to download a PLR book on these subjects and say that you wrote it… so please don’t do that.
2. The content must be original, we will check for copyright with whatever software needs to be used to make sure you didn’t just copy and paste articles from Google. E-Books Written in the Dog Niche
You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Do you have a dog?
Have you written an e-book before?
Can you please send me an example of your writing. E-Books Written in the Dog Niche

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