Early Childhood Trauma and Mental Disability ONLY NEED FOUR- FIVE SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.
Please write one paragraph for each NEW (only two new) source given (2 paragraphs total), and one-two paragraphs describing the two people I interviewed who faced trauma as a child and were affected mentally in a negative way as an adult (formed a mental disorder), and one long overall conclusion that explains how my sources (eight total) supports my thesis that I propose for the paper. The thesis of my paper states and tries to prove that “early childhood trauma affects the humans’ neurobiological stress coping system, which affects people as an adult, causing them to live with a form of mental disability.
Early Childhood Trauma and Mental Disability
Most people who suffer with disadvantages/trauma as a child will suffer with a form of mental disability as an adult, due to the changes to the brain’s neurological system.” Try to explain how each source gives an example to how trauma, pain, abuse, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS** have changed children and infants mentally AS AN ADULT in a bad way. Each source has its own paragraph** explain how environmental and social factors play a major role in altering one’s mental health strongly in their early years of life*** CONNECT to how stress, social factors, environmental factors cause people to act a certain way, live a certain way, physically and mentally CHANGE (like mental and physical disability). For the interview paragraph: (you can separate into two paragraphs) I conducted two separate interviews with people who underwent traumatic experiences in their lives as a child/infant and learned how it affected their neurological system in a negative way as an adult. This paragraph has to connect how their experiences as a child has affected them negatively as an adult and explain that they agree that their childhood experiences has made them this way as an adult.
Early Childhood Trauma and Mental Disability
**Basically explain how this information from my informants PROVES MY THESIS CORRECT. One person I interviewed was Elliot (male ), lost his father when he was seven. Was left in care with his abusive mother. As an adult, he now suffers with depression, PTSD, and schrophrenia. Takes prescription drugs daily and also smokes cigarettes daily to “erase the memories.” Another person I interviewed: Jessica (female), parents divorced when she was five, both parents were abusive physically and verbally, always had panic attacks as a child. Now as an adult, she suffers with depression and panic disorder. She is easily triggered to get a panic attack in which she feels she cannot control. This is an add on to the paper you previously wrote. I just need to add information from the two new sources I provided below ( 2 paragraphs ), information about my interviews (1-2 paragraphs), and need a conclusion that explains how childhood trauma alters one’s mind more strongly as a child rather than at an adult stage, causing that child to grow up developing a form of mental disability due to the mental damage developed as a child.
Early Childhood Trauma and Mental Disability Conclusion
You can use the previous sources to write the CONCLUSION only. Conclusion basically explains how I proved my THESIS correct with my sources. Thank you so much. Please write the most for the conclusion* NEW Sources to use: (FOR TWO NEW PARAGRAPHS) Hall, Kim Q. Feminist Disability Studies. Indiana University Press, 2011. Link G. Bruce, Phelan Jo. “Social Conditions As Fundamental Causes of Disease.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Extra Issue: Forty Years of Medical Sociology: The State of the Art and Directions for the Future, pp. 80-94. (1995). OLD sources: (TO USE FOR CONCLUSION ONLY IF NEEDED) Anda, R.F., Felitti, V.J., Bremner, J.D. et al. “The Enduring Effects of Abuse and related Adverse Experiences in Childhood.” Eur Arch Psychiatry Clinical Neuroscience. (2006). Bessel , Kolk A. Van Der. “The Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma and Abuse .” Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics , Boston University School of Medicine , 2003, www.traumacenter.org/products/pdf_files/neurobiology_childhood_trauma_abuse.pdf . Bruce , Perry. “Childhood Trauma, the Neurobiology of Adaptation, and ‘Use-Dependent’ Development of the Brain: How ‘States’ Become ‘Traits.’ Semanticsscholar , Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Baylor College of Medicine Texas Children’s Hospital Houston Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, 1995, pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0617/cc58f96c914d78c59721b995d15e87c4aaaf.pdf. Horwitz, Allan V., et al. “The Impact of Childhood Abuse and Neglect on Adult Mental Health: A Prospective Study.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 184–201. JSTOR, (20010.www.jstor.org/stable/3090177. Schore N. Allan, “The Effects of Early Relational Trauma on the Right Brain Development, Affect Regulation, and Infant Mental Health.” Infant mental Health Journal. Vol 22. Pp. 201-269.Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. (2001) Tremain, Shelley. “On the Government of Disability.” Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 27, No. 4, Special Issue: Embodied Values: Philosophy and Disabilities, pp. 617-636. October 2001.