Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes

Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes Order Instructions: I need an essay in the following subject: Identify the methods through which employees are involved with the employment relations process.

Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes
Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes

Do employees have a legitimate say in the organization’s decisions or have employers simply manipulated employees into believing they have a say?

The following conditions must meet in the essay:

1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 1100 words.

2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real companies.

4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

5) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

6) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researchs.

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Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes Sample Answer

Methods of Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes

In an organization, dealing with employees that are not satisfied is not an easy task. The introduction of employee relations in an organization is meant to address issues of employee morale, motivation and improved productivity (Kalleberg 2009). Essentially, employee relations are interested in identifying and dealing with individual employee problems and dealing with them before they get off-hand (Kalleberg 2009). Organizations should take caution in dealing with employees and ensure that they use the right methods and follow correct procedures to make them feel engaged. Among the areas that employees should have a say in is in decision making process in decisions that impact them. As a result, employee engagement in decision making process ensures that employees are satisfied and that they offer their best to improve their work environments.

In employee engagement, the manager has a lot of expectations that they expect their employees to meet for the organization to move forward. Among the expectations include setting plans by the employees (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008). Without a proper plan, employees will find it hard to know what they should engage in and the things that they need to do. Additionally, the employees are expected to work in groups to meet the objectives of the organization. However, the expectations should be met on an individual basis and each member of the organization should put in their personal engagements in the modest of manners (Shuck & Wollard 2010). Reviews about the organization and how the organization is performing is a core aspect of how the organization engages its employees. However, when it comes to this point, all employees are expected to offer their best and practice honesty in the reviews. Without honesty, the feedback offered will work against the organization and in the end; both employees and the organization will suffer setbacks.

For employee relations to come out successfully there is a need for employees to have a feeling that they are engaged in legitimate decision making processes (Gruman & Saks 2011). As a result, using some methods to ensure employee engagement is vital to the success of the business. Among the methods that are applicable in employee relations include collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is the process of engaging employees in decision making process through observing the rules and regulations of the organization (Gruman & Saks 2011). The method is one of the strongest methods for employee relations engagement. However, the management of the organization should control the activities in collective bargaining. In the case that there is no control, each party will try to take advantage of the situation and in the end, misunderstandings will arise.

Another method that is applicable in employee relations engagement in an organization is through complete control (Saks 2006). In this instance, employee trade unions are given the opportunity to act as the management of the organization. As a result, they are tasked with the real role of management and in the process, are allowed to make all managerial decisions (Saks 2006). At this point, employees are encouraged to actively involve themselves in the process and as a result, employee engagement in decision making is enhanced. For all activities and decisions in an organization, giving employees a voice to air their views is very important. If an organization is ready to engage its employees in employee relations, suggestions schemes are a must-have (Saks 2006). Suggestion schemes are presented employees to help them to make opinions and suggestions on the activities of the organization (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008). Once they are given, the management takes note of them and implements the ones that seem to have a positive impact on the organization.

Problems arising in an organization need immediate solutions. As a result, employee relations engagement plays a crucial role in this aspect to ensure that all is well and problems are avoided in advance. As a result, the formation of quality circles that consist of five to ten employees is a good way of engaging them in decision making processes (Saks 2006). The employees identify current and potential problems, discuss on ways of dealing with them and come up with an implementation strategy to combat the situation. However, this form of employee relations engagement demands that the employees in a quality circle should have a leader that holds a certain role in the organization. As a result, the management will get an assurance that the circle has the right attitude and that it is a positive move.

Without job enrichment, employees will develop a feeling that they are not playing an important role in their organization (Shuck & Wollard 2010). Job enrichment includes adding aspects like motivators and, rewards and job details to a job to make it more interesting and adorable (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008). However, in relation to job enrichment, the management of the organization should ensure that the details and motivators added are relevant and will not take a company to a loss or lower its profits to make it strain. Additionally, another method used to keep employees informed on decision making processes and activities in the organization is through trusting the employees. Employee trust includes allowing them to make the vital decision without interfering (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008). With this in mind, the employees develop a good attitude towards the organization and in the process; they are able to feel comfortable, important and special to the organization.

Apart from the methods that are used to keep employee relations alive and make sure that they are motivated, there are other aspects that also come with the process. For example, avoiding criticizing and downsizing employees will boost their morale and allow them to engage their creativity to the highest level possible. As a result, the management should know what to do and what not to do in order to make their employee relations effective (Shuck & Wollard 2010). On the other hand, there are employees in an organization that are seen to have a special potential talent. The management should look out for the attributes, identify them and give them the special attention that they need (Shuck & Wollard 2010). In the process, all of them will feel completely appreciated and their efforts will make the company grow.

One of the companies that ensure employee relations and engagement to make their operations effective is Walmart. Walmart has been in operation for a long time now and it believes that employee treatment is very important. As a result, it has bused employee suggestions for a long time to see what they need, their wants and suggestions on how to make the company more productive (Gruman, J. A., & Saks 2011). The suggestions that employees come up with are important and the management considers them to make them happy. On the other hand, other real companies have used the strategy among other methods to ensure that their employees are satisfied.

In conclusion, employee engagement in decision making process ensures that employees are satisfied and that they offer their best to improve their work environments. However, different organizations have different ways to ensure employee satisfaction and retention. The management is important to the activities and they should ensure that there is sanity in the methods.

Engaging Employees in Employee Relations Processes Reference List

Bakker, A. B., & Schaufeli, W. B, (2008), Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees

in flourishing organizations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(2), 147-154.

Gruman, J. A., & Saks, A. M, (2011), Performance management and employee engagement,

Human Resource Management Review, 21(2), 123-136.

Kalleberg, A. L, (2009), Precarious work, insecure workers: Employment relations in transition,

American sociological review, 74(1), 1-22.

Saks, A. M, (2006), Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement, Journal of

Managerial Psychology, 21(7), 600-619.

Shuck, B., & Wollard, K, (2010), Employee engagement and HRD: A seminal review of the

foundations. Human Resource Development Review, 9(1), 89-110.

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