Equality or Justice and Citizenship Assessment Module

Equality or Justice and Citizenship Assessment Module The assessment for the module consists of a student portfolio.

Equality or Justice and Citizenship Assessment Module
Equality or Justice and Citizenship Assessment Module

This must be no longer than 4000 words, inclusive of references and bibliography.

How to Prepare Your Portfolio

The portfolio must be divided into 3 sections: one on equality; one on justice and one on citizenship;

Each section must be no longer than 1,200 words.

Each section must be structured as follows:

1) 600 words critical analysis of a core reading/concept chosen from the list below

2) 600 words film discussion

Topics for Your Portfolio:


Please choose one of the following themes as a frame for discussion:

Is Dahl right to suggest that the pursuit of equality is a viable goal?

Is equality the bedrock norm of democracy?

How can advances in equality be achieved and preserved?

What are the criteria for ideal equality?

Construct your own frame for discussion (but you must first confirm with the module leader)


Please choose one of the following themes as a frame for your discussion:

Critically evaluate Rawls account of justice as fairness.

Is justice a necessary good in a democracy?

What constitutes an injustice? Discuss – with reference to a particular case

What does a just society look like?

Construct your own frame (but you must first confirm with the module leader)


Please choose one of the following themes as a frame for your discussion:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of liberal accounts of citizenship?

Should everyone be made a citizen?

What are the costs of noncitizenship (if any)?

Are citizens self-governing in a democracy? If yes, in what ways?

Construct your own frame (but you must first confirm with the module leader)

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