Geology on Energy Resources Project GO to the SWITCH Energy Project website below (see next item down in Contents); 2) CHOOSE 3 (three) of the five available videos to watch in the category ENERGY ISSUES (top of the page) and take notes; 3) Then, CHOOSE 3 (three) more videos to watch from the category ENERGY RESOURCES (lower down on the page) and take notes; 4) EXPLAIN why you chose those videos, and summarize the most important points of each (do not quote narrators!).

Feel free to disagree with anything, just state why. Describe the parts you found most interesting and why? What did you learn that you did not know before? 5) REVISE your report carefully, taking care to use logical organization and clear writing.
Geology on Energy Resources Project Grading Rubric
It will be graded according to the same rubric as the previous paper.
SWITCH is an educational project associated with a documentary film on the future of energy. It is produced in collaboration with geologists and energy experts and has received positive reviews from environmental as well as energy groups. You do NOT need to watch the documentary film itself, but instead six short videoclips you choose, and then write a 5 pp. paper based only on them. Do NOT quote directly from the narrator (paraphrase instead) or use outside references.