Group Communications and Common Goals

Group Communications and Common Goals 1. Reflect on your past experiences working in groups (this could be in other classes, at work, or with friends and family members).

Group Communications and Common Goals
Group Communications and Common Goals

2. Write a detailed account of one POSITIVE experience. 3. Describe who was involved in the group, your particular responsibilities/contributions, what was the common goal/task of the group, and how you went about accomplishing it. 4. Lastly, explain why you believe the outcome was a success. Length: 500-1000 words. Families, friendship circles, work teams, committees, and sports teams are all examples of groups. Individuals belong to many types of groups. The quality of people’s everyday lives depends in important ways on the groups to which they belong. Much of the work and many of the decisions that shape the world depend on the actions that groups take. Groups are important because they influence the way in which people experience and understand the world. 

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