Groveland Four Case and Emmett Till Murder

Groveland Four Case and Emmett Till murder Critical Analysis

Groveland Four Case and Emmett Till Murder
Groveland Four Case and Emmett Till Murder

For this assignment you are to access the following:

Groveland Four (see Class Reading)

Groveland Four (see Video/ Podcast)

Emmett Till (see Video/ Podcast)

Emmett Till’s accuser (see Video/ Podcast)

Mayella Ewell – To Kill a Mockingbird is optional and is located under Video/ Podcast

Once complete please construct a well-crafted essay on each bullet point below:

Although Florida’s Clemency Board granted a pardon to the Groveland Four in January 2019, from what you have read about this case was justice served to the four men for what occurred 70 years ago?

In the Groveland Four case and Emmett Till’s murder, both of their accusers were white women claiming to be violated in some form by a black man. Explain this time period (1949 and 1955) why it was punishable by death and seen as the “ultimate sin” for a black man to be accused of violating a white woman even if the evidence proved otherwise, that a crime had not been committed.

Norma Padgett still holds fast to her story that she was raped in 1949 by the Groveland Four and Carolyn Bryant, Emmett Till’s accuser later recanted her story denying any prior claims that she was disrespected by Till. What are your thoughts about these two women? Why do you think Carolyn Bryant came forth with the truth?

Both the Groveland Four case and Emmett Till’s murder were senseless acts based upon race. In your opinion what does it mean to be a black man in America today and are we far removed from the Groveland Four case and what happened to Emmett Till? What are the lessons to be learned from these two miscarriages of justice?

Groveland Four Case and Emmett Till Murder Requirements

The paper should be a minimum of 1 ½ – 2 (not to exceed 3) pages typed and double-spaced with a 1” margin using Times New Roman 12 Font.

Points will be deducted for grammatical/ spelling errors (2 points for each).

For each question, a new paragraph is required, there is no need to add excessive spacing in between each question (please do not write out each question).

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