Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel

Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel Write a 2-3 page Literature review on the book Night by Elie Wiesel. Please read the attached file for the complete instructions for the assignment. Please follow the instructions.

Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel
Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel


Assignment #3 – Read the book, NIGHT by Elie Wiesel

Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel

How do you critically appraise the work? Unfortunately, some students think an appraisal requires that one be an authority in the field. Obviously, if you are an authority it makes the job of evaluation easier. But, equally so, to be an authority on every book you read is rarely the case for anyone. This assignment is an attempt to get you to read history critically with an open mind and an eye to detail. It will require you to use your critical thinking skills. This strategy usually includes analyzing arguments, identifying underlying assumptions, and so on. But what does it mean to engage in critical feeling? Critical feeling concerns mindful attention to values, priorities, and meanings—aspects of life sometimes neglected in favor of more rational, analytical and “scientific” modes.

Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel

However, as the Holocaust reminds us, realities of life are not always logical or rational. In teaching his own work, for example, Wiesel began with this statement: “I hope that you will understand that which cannot be understood.” It may be that intellectual analysis and critical thinking are necessary, but perhaps not sufficient, components of the type of deep understanding that Wiesel has in mind here. Indeed, even Yale psychologist Robert Sternberg, who is a recognized authority for his contributions to the literature on intelligence, now speaks of “wisdom” as distinct from knowledge.

Before you begin reading the book, contemplate what you are about to read, thinking these questions:

? Have you ever heard anything about this book or the author of this book?

Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel

? What does the title of the book evoke?

What does the author say? That is, what is the author’s central thesis? Does the central thesis of a book help to explain what happened? This means that the author will have to (1) tell what happened (the who, where, when, what of the subject); (2) explain how or why it happened.

? Why does the author say it?

? Is the author telling a story or trying to challenge an accepted historical thesis?

? Is there a deeper agenda might be represented by this effort?

? What other interpretations of the author’s evidence is possible?

Elie Wiesel has stated, “My whole life, my whole work, has been devoted to questions, not to


Once you have read the book, contemplate and thinking these questions:

  1. What was your emotional reaction to the book? What did you first get out of reading the book?
  2. Do you think other people can ever really understand what the author experienced in the concentration camp? If someone asked you to describe exactly what you think Elie Wiesel thought and felt while living in the camps, how would you do so?
  3. What does it mean to “understand” another person, or to “understand” what another person is going through? What is it in life that allows us to “understand” others more completely and/or more accurately?

Did reading Night help you to understand more about others, and/or about life?

  1. You might wonder how the Nazis and other Germans could possibly have carried out the horrific acts demanded of them, even if they did in fact learn to hate the Jews. Some scholars would explain their collaboration in terms of “deindividuation:” a loss of individuality as one becomes submerged in the group, which leads to lessened self-awareness and weakened restraint against harmful acts.

? Can you think of instances when you experienced a reduced self-awareness due to membership in a cohesive group?

  1. Others scholars focus on the excuse given by many persons who went along with the horrific massacres: “I was only following orders.”

? At what point do persons bear a responsibility for their own actions, even when ordered to commit an act by a “legitimate authority?”

For the Review of the book Night by Elie Wiesel Assignment

All students are required to complete the reading of the book NIGHT by Elie Wiesel:

? Students must write a Two-to-Three page critical book review. You need to include quotes

from the book to back up your statements/points and you will need a citation page.

? Directions for papers:






o You MUST

? Include quotes from the book itself to back up your review

? Use Citations; use MLA style for citing work (visit the CCGA Writing Center or

Purdue OWL online writing lab – – for


? Provide Citations Page

Grammar and Spelling will be important; use double space, and the paper must be typed.

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