Hegemonic Masculinity Violence and Gender Equality

Hegemonic Masculinity Violence and Gender Equality create a PowerPoint with supporting document offering a critical analysis of the correlation between Cultural representations of gendered violence and Hegemonic masculinity, to include:

Hegemonic Masculinity Violence and Gender Equality
Hegemonic Masculinity Violence and Gender Equality

– What is your topic? What are the main features of the topic?

– Which context are you discussing? domestic violence in patriarchal societies such as India, China, South Africa, Zambia, Portugal, and Ecuador, in contrast with matriarchal societies such as The MUsuo And the Akan

– How do the topic and context relate to the key themes?     How gendered violence became a political issue

  1. Domestic violence
  2. Sexual violence and sexual harassment
  3. Masculinities and violence
  4. Theorizing gender and violence
  5. Political conflict and gendered violence
  6. Cultural representations of gendered violence
  7. The state, gendered violence, and resistance

– What kind of evidence are you drawing on (e.g. what kind of research evidence are you using)?

– How can the theory/concepts in the module be applied to your findings? Feminism, Intersectionality, Power

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