Holocaust Survivor Testimonials Reflection

Holocaust Survivor Testimonials Reflection Begin by watching or reading Holocaust survivors testimonials.

Holocaust Survivor Testimonials Reflection
Holocaust Survivor Testimonials Reflection

Select a testimonial or other historical reference (e.g., a family member’s story of surviving the Holocaust) that inspires you. This will serve as your primary resource for understanding, analysis, and evaluation of the Holocaust and how the lessons from this period have an impact on your thinking and your future. (Please make note of the name of the Holocaust survivor and, if the testimonial is found online, bookmark the website. You will be required to include this information on the submission form.)

Reflect on this piece of history, its meaning to you, and how it may impact your future. Why is this piece means to you?

How could you adapt it and take its meaning into your future? Submit your answers to these questions (and other related reflections you may have) in the form of an essay.

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