How Does Absences Affect Exam Grade

How Does Absences Affect Exam Grade Midterm Exam Instructions: You will be attempting to analyze a set of data and write it up in APA format.

How Does Absences Affect Exam Grade
How Does Absences Affect Exam Grade

As in class, you must have a title page, Introduction with 2 citations, a purpose and hypothesis, Method section, Result section, and a figure (Scatterplot) all in APA format. Please upload 2 documents into live text: APA complete paper for Multiple Regression Analysis SPSS Data and output tables for multiple regression analysis Multiple Regressions Data was collected to see if overall absences in high school and a student’s SAT score were good predictors of their overall mean exam grade in college. Use the data below to compute a multiple regression analysis. As in lab 4, you must include the overall R2 and statistic for the Multiple Regression, the individual predictors’ statistic, and the overall % that the predictors contribute to the Mean Exam Grade. Student Absences SAT MEAN EXAM GRADE 1 4 620 82 2 2 750 98 3 2 500 76 4 3 520 68 5 1 540 84 6 0 690 99 7 4 590 67 8 8 490 58 9 7 450 50 10 3 560 78

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