How does the Energy Drinks Effects Our Body and Health

How does the Energy Drinks Effects Our Body and Health why?

How does the Energy Drinks Effects Our Body and Health
How does the Energy Drinks Effects Our Body and Health

.helps determine wether subject has been researched before
.helps decide if research is necessary
.helps decide if research is worth doing
.reflect on topic and ask questions:
.is it practical to undertake research?
.will it be useful to do the research?
.draft a simple, clear title following these words: ‘my study is about…’
.or write what question needs to be answered
.consider whether the subject can or should be researched
.check existing research would ass something, or just replicate what already exists
.consider the amount of time and resources that the research will require.
The use of a literature review:
.To summarise the important literature available on the subject
.to frame the problem to be addressed
.to provide direction for future research
.to uncover a proposed theory of or explanations of the problem
.for use as a comparison

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