How to Deliver a Special Occasion Speech Outline

How to Deliver a Special Occasion Speech Outline Deliver a speech of introduction in which you introduce a person who inspires you…. See the template enclosed

How to Deliver a Special Occasion Speech Outline
How to Deliver a Special Occasion Speech Outline

Topic: Who Inspires You? |

  1. Introduction
  2. Capture your audience’s attention with a quote, anecdote, or personal experience
  3. Build up to the main reason for the speech

How to Deliver a Special Occasion Speech Outline Summary

  1. Summarize the main idea and briefly state the main points
  2. First Main Point
  3. Second Main Point
  4. Third Main Point
  5. First Main Point: Working with outline numbered text in Microsoft Word
  6. Move an outline numbered item to the appropriate numbering level
  7. On the Formatting toolbar
  8. a) To demote the item to a lower numbering level

(1) Click a list number

(2) Click Increase Indent.

  1. b) To promote the item to a higher numbering level

(1) Click a list number

(2) Click Decrease Indent

  1. Help plan speech and organize thoughts

III. Second Main Point: Creating a Microsoft PowerPoint

  1. Creating a PowerPoint presentation from a Word outline
  2. PowerPoint uses the heading styles in the Word document
  3. a) Heading styles are applied when you use numbered outlines

(1) Each paragraph formatted with the Heading 1 style becomes the title of a new slide, each Heading 2 becomes the first level of the text, and so on.

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