Identify and Analyze Rhetorical Devices

Identify and Analyze Rhetorical Devices This Critical Thinking assignment is designed to provide you with experience in identifying and analyzing rhetorical devices used for persuasion. The topic
is overseas outsourcing.

Identify and Analyze Rhetorical Devices
Identify and Analyze Rhetorical Devices

While you may cite other rhetorical devices for your paper, the three YouTube presentations on the topic are provided to get you
started. Each of the following presentations makes various claims about workers outside of the United States.
1. Nike sweatshops–try not to cry. Retrieved from YouTube.
2.Myth: outsourcing is bad. Retrieved from YouTube.
3.Disadvantages of outsourcing. Retrieved from YouTube.
Analyze the effectiveness of the rhetorical devices used to either challenge or support the use of overseas outsourcing by corporations. The goal is to
connect these to what you may see, hear and read on this topic.
Each essay must include and demonstrate your ability to:
Identify the rhetorical device(s)
Explain how and whether it is effective in persuasion
State why or why not it is a valid argument
Analyze in detail the presentation for validity, logic, accuracy, misleading statements, credibility, etc.
State your position on the topic of outsourcing
Use additional citation, if necessary, to support your reasoning
Apply the concepts learned through the textbook readings and learning notes. Remember that critical thinking is based on objective information and premises (claims), not on opinions.

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