Interprofessional Team Collaboration and Describes Situations

Most Important aspects to include in the paper:
1.Explains methods to establish ground rules and set expectations for interprofessional team collaboration and describes situations where each would be beneficial.
2.Describes evidence-based conflict resolution strategies for interprofessional teams and identifies situations where each would be beneficial.
3.. Analyzes best practices for interprofessional team collaboration.
4.Analyzes the benefits and limitations of different forms of communication for an interprofessional team; considers the risks associated with ineffective communication.
Suggested resources: Improved health care collaboration has been cited as a key strategy for health care reform.
1,2 Collaboration in health care has been shown to improve patient outcomes such as reducing preventable adverse drug reactions,3,4 decreasing morbidity and mortality rates5,6 and optimizing medication dosages.7
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