Introduction to Psychology and Cognitive Development Question #1:
Jack is a five-month-old baby; he spends most of his time playing with his toys and his Mommy. He makes gurgling sounds and kicks his mobile of animal figurines hanging above his crib. As it jingles, it makes funny noises that he seems to enjoy.
He is very curious about his environment and takes every opportunity he gets to explore it.
Based on the above description of baby Jack,
Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic or point of this paper. What will you be discussing in this paper. Also, identify all four stages of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (do not describe each stage!)
Paragraph 2: Describe the stage of cognitive development Baby Jack is in according to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development.
Introduction to Psychology and Cognitive Development and Major Milistones
Paragraph 3: Describe the major milestones and/ or limitations of this stage for all children. More specifically, identify what cognitive skill(s) Baby Jack does not possess and what skill(s) he will come to possess by the end of this stage.
Paragraph 4: Identify and describe what cognitive stage will baby Jack enter next if he successfully navigates this stage of development?
(Also, it’s okay if you have more than 4 paragraphs as long as you don’t go over the word limit)
Question #2:
Select 1 person that you know (personally or otherwise) according to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. You are to give a general description of this person and explain their current life issues using the concepts/stages you have learned from this theory.
Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic or point of this paper. What will you be discussing in this paper. Identify all eight stages of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. (Do not describe all 8 stages)
Introduction to Psychology and Cognitive Development Short Biography
Paragraph 2: Write a short biography of the person you have selected, describe them. Write a brief profile that includes their age, gender, and all the details necessary to give a complete picture of who they are.
Paragraph 3: Bio continued: Discuss the current important issues they are facing in their lives, and how they are coping with them. The issues you describe may be related to (but are not limited to); issues of growing up, school, work, family, relationships, parenthood, aging etc. Try to give a clear picture of the challenges that this person is facing, and how they are dealing with them.
Paragraph 4: Connect the issues that the person is facing with a particular stage of Erikson’s theory. Identify what stage of Erikson’s psychosocial theory this person is in. Describe what features of this stage connect to this person’s issues. Discuss why you think they are in this particular stage, based on information you provided in their profile.
(Also, it’s okay if you have more than 4 paragraphs as long as you don’t go over the word limit)
Please DO NOT label the paragraphs 1, 2 etc. Just write a complete essay.