Investigate Henry Fords Creation of Five Dollar Day

Investigate Henry Fords Creation of Five Dollar Day Investigate Henry Ford’s decision to create the “Five Dollar Day.”

Investigate Henry Fords Creation of Five Dollar Day
Investigate Henry Fords Creation of Five Dollar Day
  1. No less than 3.5 pages and no more than 5 pages NOT including title page and references page
  2. Double spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font
  3. Page numbers required except on Title page
  4. Microsoft Word format
  5. Title page and reference page required
  6. 4-6 sources with at least three primary sources
  7. Intro 1/4-1/2 page
  8. Main section #1: primary object to help the audience gain proper historical context by describing and explaining the background and buildup to the historical decision. Approx. 1 page in length.

9 Main sections #2: Analyze all options available and explain the motivation of the person in making the final decision. Why did they make the decision they did? Between 1.5-2 pages in length.

  1. Conclusion: restate thesis and bring closure. Why was the decision important to the bigger picture of America/World History. Approx. 1/2 page.

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