Organizational Culture of the Company Analysis Write about any company but most important I need a short cover letter about 400 words and a

PowerPoint presentation max 10 slides about the company
Organizational Culture of the Company Analysis and Preparation for the Workplace Workshop
Your task is to choose an existing company you would like to work for, to analyze its organizational culture, to evaluate the expected behavior and to describe why the company attracts you and how you can contribute to build a culture of appreciation. This involves three steps:
- Developing a description of the company;
- Analyzing and evaluating the organizational culture of the company, the expected behavior and the management style referring to the concepts covered in the workshop;
- writing a cover letter for the Human Resource Manager of the company.
The current assignment is connected with the following learning outcomes:
? the culture of the workplace (building a culture of appreciation)
? behavior in the workplace
? management styles
? tools and techniques relevant to job application
Organizational Culture of the Company Analysis Project structure
To do so, the student will produce a 1500 word report on the following items. This individual assignment will equal 100% of the final grade.
The project will have an introduction, body, and conclusion which will account for the word count. The bibliography will be required but will not be a part of the word count.
Referencing should abide by the Harvard rules and it is also mandatory.
We suggest the project follow the following structure (not mandatory)
- Cover page
Your name, course name, title of your report
- Introduction and background
Briefly describe the theoretical background and introduce the reader into the topic.
- Description of the company (900 – 1000 words)
It should include the following:
? Fundamental facts about the company: industry, company size, location, country(ies) of operation, vision, mission, organization chart etc.
? Company culture (referring to the observable aspects of the organizational culture and focusing on ethical values and on the culture of appreciation). Evaluate the expected
behavior in light of the organizational culture.
? Prevalent management style (using the concepts covered during the workshop).
- A short cover letter (400 – 500 words)
Motivation letter for the management of the company. Reasons why they should hire you (why you are a good fit and how you can contribute to build a culture of appreciation). This letter must be properly formatted as a letter. Briefly sum up all the above arguments.
5. References (using Harvard method)
All theories, methodologies, data, information etc. that are not your own primary research must be referenced using the Harvard referencing style.
Additional sources:
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