Java and Creation of Class Dijkstra Algorithm

Java and Creation of Class Dijkstra Algorithm Using the array-list implementation for directed graphs in the class Graph, write a class Dijkstra with a method findShortestPath(int vertexIndex) that finds shortest paths from the vertex with the given index (i.e., this vertex is the source vertex).

Java and Creation of Class Dijkstra Algorithm
Java and Creation of Class Dijkstra Algorithm

To make this efficient for sparse graphs, you will need to use a min-heap. For this assignment, submit a zip file for a folder containing all of the classes you used in this assignment.

Using the three classes of the graph (Graph, GraphMaker, GraphTester) and create class Dijkstra with a method findShortestPath(int vertexIndex) to find the shortest path of the values in the (GraphData.txt) by using the methods in graph classes. That means just create one class more.

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