Korean Students and Mental Health to Parents

Korean Students and Mental Health to Parents Effects of Strategy Type to Disclose Korean Students and Mental Health to Parents

Korean Students and Mental Health to Parents
Korean Students and Mental Health to Parents

Research Question: (please rewrite in a more advanced way if possible)

Imagine you are a student with mental health issues. Your psychiatrist has deemed that you have depression, bipolar disorder, or any other type of disorder and may need to take medication. How would you tell your parents? Would you tell them at all?

Participants: 15 born and raised Korean students will be given a real-life situation in which they must Need to reference:

Formula: Wx = D(S, H) + P(H, S) + Rx

Wx is the weight which refers to the weightiness of the act.

D(S, H) symbolizes the distance between the distance and speaker

P(H, S) + R stands for the power o the hearer over the speaker

Rx implies the degree of the imposition of the act

Needs to include:

A section on Korean culture regarding mental health Quantitative Measurement

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