Labor Movement and the People or Populist Party

Labor Movement and the People or Populist Party Your essay should begin with an introduction which unambiguously states what your argument will be and how it will develop, and should end with a conclusion that discusses the how your insights contribute to our understanding of history.

Labor Movement and the People or Populist Party
Labor Movement and the People or Populist Party

Avoid repetition, using big words for the mere sake of using big words, and long quotations from the sources. Only summarize what is necessary to make an argument.


The labor movement and the People’s/Populist Party (or, in other words, the workers and the farmers) rejected the free-wheeling approach to the economy that was promoted by late nineteenth-century industrialists. Briefly describe the reforms advocated by workers and those advocated by farmers (no more than a paragraph or two on each), and then answer the following: whose approach represented a more radical departure from the American tradition which held that government should not interfere in the economy? Carefully explain why those reforms represent a dramatic change from the past.

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