Legislation Liebeck vs McDonalds Case

Legislation Liebeck vs McDonalds Case Three web resources posted on D2L offer your views about the Liebeck v. McDonald’s case.

Legislation Liebeck vs McDonalds Case
Legislation Liebeck vs McDonalds Case

You may also wish to conduct further research to support your opinions. Your post should be 6 to 8 sentences. Many people have heard about the elderly woman who was burned by coffee she purchased at a McDonald’s drive-thru. Many people believe that the woman herself was driving the car when she spilled the coffee and that she received over $3,000,000. However, neither of these beliefs is true. In fact, the jury award to the woman was reduced by 2/3 by the trial judge, and in fact, she was sitting in a stopped car at the time of her injury.

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