Lifespan and Stages of Child Development

Lifespan and Stages of Child Development Lifespan Course Presentation – Stages of Child Development

Picture This: You land a great job in a fabulous hospital that has just built a state-of-the-art maternity ward.

Lifespan and Stages of Child Development
Lifespan and Stages of Child Development

You are given the task to develop a power point presentation to educate new parents about childhood development. This presentation will focus on the main themes surrounding physical, cognitive, and social development, as well as skills and risks that occur throughout various stages of childhood.

Part 1 – The First Two Years: At least 5 slides made up of the following

Highlight Physical Development

Highlight Cognitive Development

Highlight Social Development

Highlight Skills the Child will Develop

Highlight Major Risks

Part 2 – Early Childhood, Ages 2 to 6: At least 5 slides made up of the following

Highlight Physical Development

Highlight Cognitive Development

Highlight Social Development

Highlight Skills the Child will Develop

Highlight Major Risks

Part 3 – Middle Childhood, Ages 7 to 12: At least 5 slides made up of the following

Highlight Physical Development

Highlight Cognitive Development

Highlight Social Development

Highlight Skills the Child will Develop

Highlight Major Risks

Part 4 – Adolescence, Ages 13 to 18: At least 5 slides made up of the following

Highlight Physical Development

Highlight Cognitive Development

Highlight Social Development

Highlight Skills the Child will Develop

Highlight Major Risks

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