Listen to and Read the Lyrics of National Anthems Listen to and read the lyrics of at least the first minute of the following national anthems: France, South Africa, Brazil, China, Russia, Lebanon, and at least 1 additional anthem of your choice.
What do these anthems tell us about each nation’s identity, narrative (both historical and cultural), and aspirations? Which anthems have imagery of conflict and which anthems have imagery of peace? What do you think that says about a nation? Can you connect these anthems to conflicts from the readings and powerpoints?
How do the political theories examined in this unit apply to conflict studies? Do you agree or disagree with the different theorists
examined the causes of war and conflict? Why or why not? Can you find connections between the historical conflicts in the readings and powerpoints and modern conflicts?
What are the consequences of war and global conflict, as discussed in
‘The Importance of Military History’? How, if at all, do these consequences
support or detract from the political theories examined?