Managing change Essay Assignment

Managing change
Managing change

Managing change

Order Instructions:

Write a summary that addresses the following:
• What is your understanding of the Five Disciplines of a learning organization as described by Senge on page 6?
• Why does it appeal to you as an approach to change?
• What concerns do you have?
• What are you noticing about the importance of language as a lever for change?
• Why does the learning organization and the Five Disciplines seem an appropriate methodology for change management?

Text Book
Senge, P. M., Kleiner, A., Roberts, C., Smith, B., & Ross, R. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York: Doubleday. ISBN: 0385472560.


BUS4802 – Managing change

Change in inevitable and therefore managing change well will have positive impacts on the organization.  Change process as well is a learning process that an organization goes through.

The five disciplines of learning organized described by Senge are very important in any organization that aspires to succeed amidst changes. These disciplines include; system thinking, team leadership, mental models, shared vision and personal mastery (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Smith & Ross, 1994).  My understanding of these disciplines is that they provide an opportunity for the leader to initiative change smoothly.  The disciplines are essential in ensuring that the entity progresses on despite challenges experienced.  A leader should be able to have certain attributes such as good communication skills to help foster leadership through effective communication.  Communication as well allows sharing of visions enabling the members of the organization to move in the right direction (Senge, Cleaner, Roberts, Smith & Ross, 1994).

The most appealing thing about this approach to change is the fact that it covers on major aspects of the functioning of an organization laying strong emphasis on the leaders and followers. Leaders and followers need to work together and to have a shared vision to ensure that the organization achieves its goals and objectives.

The thing that concerns me more about the approach is that it seems to be a guideline to a learner anticipating to be a leader or a manager. The explanation and application of the approach in the organization by the manager in real situation seems glimpse.

Language is important lever for change. Better choice of language and words to address a change situation is essential as it promote cohesion and commitment (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Smith & Ross, 1994). Language use as well foster understanding if the language used is easily understandable by the parties initiating change and those that change is going to affect

Nevertheless, the learning organization and five disciplines seem an appropriate methodology for change management because it puts into consideration all the stakeholders and features that affect change. People must understand how to interact with various systems and fellow colleagues to achieve success. This is well considered and exemplified in the approach.


Senge, P. M., Kleiner, A., Roberts, C., Smith, B., & Ross, R. (1994). The fifth discipline   fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York:Doubleday. ISBN: 0385472560.

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