Managing Innovation and Business Process

Managing Innovation and Business Process Reengineering PART 1 – 1150 – 1250 worlds (About the theories, not the company)

Managing Innovation and Business Process
Managing Innovation and Business Process

– To describe, in detail and in your own words, one or more innovation

theories of your choice – Describe the theory and not the company (deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories)

– Detail Analysis of Sustaining and disruptive innovation theory

– Core features of the sustaining and disruptive innovation theory (Disruptive innovation model graphic is required)

– Core features of the SUSTAINING innovation concept of the sustaining and innovation theory

– Core features of the DISRUPTIVE innovation concept of the sustaining and innovation theory

– What are the weaknesses and strengths?

– The innovation value chain (Idea Generation – Conversion & Infusion)

– The importance and purpose of the sustaining and disrupting theories

Question 2 – This part of the work should be directed to talk about the company and also apply the theories (1250 – 1400 worlds)

– Use at least 1 paragraph to describe the company chosen

– Application of the sustaining and disruptive innovation theories in the context of the company

– Business Model Canvas – Picture is required (Put in black what the company did and keeps doing and in red the future innovations)

– Perform Business Process Re-engineering (Michael Hammer was one of the key people

– Knowledge Conversion (SECI) – Knowledge Creation

– Creation Process: Knowledge Creation, Invention, and Innovation

– History of idea development

– Risks of the Innovation Process and how to overcome them

– The current development of the company in the market

– Comparison of the company and competitors – Picture/graphic is required

– Company growth trend – Picture/graphic is required

– Comparison of customer’s satisfaction – Picture/graphic is required

– Talk about the company’s Business Model Navigator (Must choose one of the 55 successful business model patterns, which can serve as blueprints for the business model innovation efforts)

– Inputs towards the innovation process

– Impact of the innovation output

– Output from the innovation process

– Measures for assessing the activities within an innovation process availability of factors that can facilitate such a process

– Identify potential innovative ideas

– Using the theories, what might happen in the future with the company?

– Structure innovation – From the pass and for the future

3 – CONCLUSION (200 – 250 worlds)



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