Monograph Book Analysis Listed in the Syllabus

Monograph Book Analysis Listed in the Syllabus BOOK: Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanche’s, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History Instructions: The monograph essay is a book analysis of one monograph listed in the syllabus. The goal of the essay is for you to read the book and critically evaluate the merits and the faults of the book’s argument or thesis. It is NOT a book report or a summary.

Monograph Book Analysis Listed in the Syllabus
Monograph Book Analysis Listed in the Syllabus

You may wish to write a short summary of the reading to introduce your essay, but your grade on the assignment will come from your analysis. you should spend some time on the explanation of your analysis and critique. The following is a list of questions that you should answer at a minimum: What is the book’s argument/thesis/main point? Is the argument/thesis/main point convincing? How does the author(s) substantiate their claims? Use specific examples. What critique (or perhaps fault) do you find in the claim? Even if you agree with the author you can still offer criticism. What sources did the author use to write the monograph and make their argument? Were these sources adequate? This may require you to find some of the sources and evaluate them. Your overall impressions of the monograph and its effectiveness.

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